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So me & my crew adopted a shoot on sight rule this week. Which is a damn shame. I'm sure there are plenty of nice players out there just trying to survive' date=' help out there fellow man, kill zombies. Unfortunately there is no way to identify people intentions so we kill on sight.

This really bothers me as this is the best survival horror game to come out in over a decade. So obviously the people playing share a similar interest & recognize the mod for what it is. Everytime we kill someone I cannot help but wonder if things were different if he/she could have turned out to be a great friend/gaming buddy.

I would really like to see designated PvE servers. There is no reason why this could not be implemented. You could prevent said servers from being able to transfer items to "hardcore servers". That way everyone is happy. PKer's can keep griefing & the rest of the community can work together & do what they enjoy most - killing zombies.


PvE servers only are not a solution, but massive punishments for killing survivors. At the moment bandits always win and have advantage over other players.

Player - player relations looks like that: Who shoots first wins and gets all prizes. That's not how humans act in RL. In RL you don't shoot on sight, do you?

In DayZ, you don't need to worry about survival element. You can find all what you need to start own war in less than hour after respawn.

This needs to be addressed in future patches.

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Rocket's not going to change it. Ever. He's said so. Get over it. These threads are useless.

Then why does this guy irritate you so bad?

I think posts like the OP wrote are more commentaries on the psychology of the people playing these games than the game's mechanics themselves. If Day Z was played by a wide spectrum of people on Earth I don't believe we'd see the widespread killing we do. But we have a few very specific niches of personality type playing here, some of which love to grief other players.

Is this acceptable behavior? No. Is there any sort of obvious *fix* for this? Not really.

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How about making it a profile option, create a new profile and tick a box at creation making it a PvE only character, so you can only join PvE servers, so survivors can group up and fight together, which is an appealing thing to do.

Leaving the box unticked means you can only join normal servers which adds the risk of hostile players.

So people can have a different character for PvP and PvE.

/solved, everyone's happy :D

Edit: on PvE servers the number of zombies could be drastically increased, to say 1000+ with a full server. So it really becomes survival with so many, and it could be really fun. Gather all of the survivors in Cherno and get huge aggro to attract hundreds of zombies, then try and survive!

Also, Global Chat should be in PvE servers, to be honest, I think it should be back in general. Last night when the servers were broke, for the first time in DayZ, I had a huge conversation with others and got to know people just sitting in a non-working server or running around debug land talking. Enjoyed it more than playing. :/

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There won't be much forum support for PvE (or more usefully PvP-controlled) servers because the PvP players like having you around. More targets the merrier, especially if those targets are ill equipped, disorganised, not so focused on PvP and walk around saying "friendly" and holding their fire. It will also reveal how many people would prefer controlled PvP and most times that happened the PvP guys realise they are actually a minority.

Of course it is still very early in the development of the mod. It probably has 6-12 months minimum before there's a meaningful co-operative game experience if that's what Rocket is working towards (since he is focused on making zombies challenging this patch he's still working on PvE somewhat). And splitting the server types while the game is so rough is extra work.

Accept the game for what it is at the moment (a primarily PvP game), take a break if that's not what you want, make suggestions on the forum (though really it's not that there's a limit of ideas, it's just it takes time to implement) and watch the patch notes as the game matures.

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the main problem is that many player think of this game as something else as waht it is intend to as i understand this its a sim and this will only work if player keep this in mind if there were in a real Z apocalyps would they realy kill every normal person after many lone days only encountering Zeds or would they seek for company some one to wander with to talk i think waht this game needs is a bit more RPG thinking i think Fallout showed us how pleasing company can be in the wastlands

i actually came up with the idea of a wastland diary to give a bit of extra personallity to dayz

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Taking away side chat hasnt helped the PvP, shoot first mentality.

By the time Im in range for direct chat to work Im shooting. It used to be if I approached a town I would call out for any friendlys in the the town. At least that showed me SOME level of comfort.

Now if you see a player in direct chat range, either you shoot him or he shoots you.

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One of our clan mates found a guy with a broken leg, he was asking him to kill him because he was been crawling around the supermarket for like an hour looking for morphine, he was about to do it but I told him not to that myself and another were close by with extra morphine to use on him.

So we got there in like 2min, got the guy back on his legs, he was happy. He asked if we had any STANNAG ammo cause he had no more, lucky for him I had 1 clip so I gave it to him. After that we left, he was happy. I thought it would of been funny (i dunno why) if he turned around and killed all 3 of us lool but he was a nice guy, not every person out there is hungry for blood, I'll throw out another funny example tho.

I'm in Cherno, someone barbed up the church, so I went to another server, walked in, went back into our US 45 server. Got the goodies, then I see this guy running around on the mic going "help" so I took out the revolver and shot all the zombies chasing him at the door. He then comes up to the barbwire (he had no weapon) looks at me for a moment and says on the mic (your a p****) I guess he thought I put up the barb wire. So I took out the crossbow, aimed and nailed him in the head watching his body slowly fall backwards, I was actually just talkin to my friends on TS3 that I wanted to test the crossbow on a player, when I saw the guy standing there, I told them I couldn't do it, I'm too nice of a person but the idiot had to open his big mouth after saving him and get pissy at me. 2min later at the fire station I hit a bandit with it lol and 1 revolver round, he still was alive enough for him to kill me with an enfield which brings up my next statement:

They should bring new life back into the crossbow by making it a 1 shot kill for PVP or almost 1 shot kill, (either way, more damage on players) you can say how a crossbow could never do that well the .50 cal sniper could take off limbs but it doesn't. It would be better to see bandits running around with close quarter crossbows then hiding with snipers, enfields. For me, the crossbow is one of the worst weapons in the game that I always see on the ground because nobody wants it, which is sad since it looks like an awesome weapon to use after watching The Walking Dead.

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True story from a mate of mine....

Was in a town Grocery Store. Down to 3K blood and carrying my hatchet.

Saw two survivors approaching store front entrance. I announced over chat "Unarmed and severely injuried friendly in store", then stood out in the open of the store so they could see me. Both walked up and after a few seconds... BLAM BLAM... shot in the face.

No more trusting or announcing Friendly. If I cant run, I shoot....

Shame it has come to this...

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I'm sure Rocket realizes that the shoot on sight type mentality due to no identification is a problem to be worked on.

After all, he did add heart beating faster when looking at bandits (ect) definitely an unfinished feature, still need lots of work to make "co-op" with random players more frequent while drawing a distinct yet subtle line between "co-op survivors" and "solo or group bandits".

The bandit skins, the heart beating faster are all tests he is taking in order to find the ideal solution, just give it time and hopefully this current 'death match system" will be lowered with some sort of valid karma identification.

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I've always been very friendly. I may have had 3 murders after 2 weeks or something, from point-blank-surprises. Well, 2 days ago, my friend and I left NW airfield, after finding a M16A2 and a M4A3 CCO, but only 5 STANAGs total. So, plan was to hit Stary Sobor military tents to get more ammo.

Checking the supermarket in Stary we got quite lucky with food/coke. When I left it I immediately got sniped and fell unconscious at the entrance. My friend used a epi pen on me and I was able to get back inside with 792 blood left. I ate and got back to about 4k blood. My friend had to leave and I crawled back to cherno to get blood bags, as we ran out.

I entered one of the 3 red buildings with direct sight on the hospital and saw a corpse laying in front of it. I waited for like 10 minutes till someone came checking it out. As I needed to get inside of the hospital and didn't want to have anyone sneaking around it, I took a few pot shots. Seriously injuring but unfortunately not killing him. Then another guy approached from the back like 150 meters away. I shot him 3 times, he fell, but I didn't get a murder, so I guess he logged off, unconscious.

These 2 didn't see me and thus posed no direct threat to me, but they were sneaking around a place that was crucial to reach for me. I didn't even go loot their bodies, all I wanted is to get blood bags.

So yes, I shoot on sight if necessary. And usually it is necessary as most people would give it a try theirselves to get my stuff. M4A3 CCO, big backpack, camo clothing - all that seems to be just TOO tempting. In order to prevent being a target I shoot on sight now.

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'Miyo said:



Zombies are so easy to avoid' date=' kill its quite amusing... the only real challenge and fun (for the more skilled/experienced players) is PvP.

Nowdays, my team merely see zombies as a nuisance when pvping.

I have just over 1,000 zombie kills.. and thats purely killing zombies whos got in my way when pvping. People say zombies are hard... starting without a weapon is difficult... people want PvE only servers? To do what exactly? Crawl past zombies 24/7? You can use ANY gun... any gun at all and run through a town/city... pull all zombies and then back-peddle and wait for the 'hit' animation and then shot them calmy, or you could just run inside a building, and then calmy headshot zombies one by one...

Zombies in this game makes pvp slightly more challenging, more fun (sometimes frustrating when they get in my way). But what would this game be without pvp and only zombies?

An utter and complete joke.

Whats the point of me having an AS50 + MK 48... NVG, range finder... etc etc.. to kill zombies? I can kill cherno's population of zombies with a melee weapon or a makarov... no challenge.

This is directed towards all you no skilled players AKA carebears.

I feed on your tears.

Yeah, because if you don't LIKE killing other players, you are by default "not skilled".

Killing people 24/7 must be so much more rewarding! Except for that it's harder to kill people and they got more loot (which you don't need) i honestly don't see a difference. And don't get me wrong, i also shoot people if i have to.

I don't want to change the game, i'm just trying to understand whats so fun about shooting people in the face, even when they got no weapon and no stuff.

Edited by xenomat

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The bandit players do have a point. What do you do after you collect/assemble all that cool gear if not to use it on others?

I still like that one bandit who spends all his time doing one of two things: Find fuel and run people over.

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'JustAnotherRegis said:

I think the definition for griefing is a bit more than that. But yeah' date=' you (maybe not exactly you, but PvE farmboys), farming around me, demanding penalties for PvP in a PvP game, just going pointless from loot to loot and being maxed without danger (and then maybe start PvP, cause what else is there to do, i mean come on, Zeds are dangerous on vet or hard, although you don't play these modes, but in the end, they can't shoot you from 800meters), then you are a griefer for me.

To put it more exact: You loot my possible loot like a farming machine and get mad if you don't prepare looting like i do (observation etc.), but then being shot on sight. You get mad if you get shot north of electro, although everybody knows its an area for high gear sniping. I don't like the high gear sniping aswell, so i normally just don't move there. But you can't stand there is loot too dangerous to actually loot. This game is all about intel (read: intelligence, like observation and knowing movement), and i already ambushed quite some PvE farmboys, trust me, they don't care about intel.

You still didn't get it? When i raid NE airfield and we are enough guys, we cover the whole fuckin area before we move in (had a nice tactical shootout there that did last like 30 minutes and had hardly any shots fired (INTEL!)). And what about you farmboys? He moves in with his friend, not covering anything and then being mad because he got shot.

Why did he got shot? Because we were raiding the airfield and we had intel. Easy as that.

I dunno what that conclusion by yours was about not working together. Srsly, this game sucks hard playing alone. So ofc, go get at least one buddy.

Maybe chosing the word griefing was not the best idea, but demanding to only farm (even read about PvE servers) in a game that offers so much more is foul playing imo, which is griefing.

I'm playing at least with one of my friends, and it's fun (and mostly on veteran, but it also depends on the available servers). I just don't need to kill players, i don't want to kill players. Traveling the map and looking for loot is HARD (if you don't use the many websites which document everything about this MOD), it's much easier to shoot someone in the back and take his stuff.

I also don't see why killing people would be the ultimate goal in this game, i'd find it as booring as you may find exploring (of course i shoot to defend myself, just not out of fun, because shooting people senseless is no fun at all for me). I like exploring and it's a very big part of the game. And of course we try to be as cautious as possible when entering a populated or high traffic area and take some time to watch first. But we are only two, you have to work with what you got.

BTW, my native language is also not english, it's german.

For me the griefers in this game are people, who run around the starting areas (Cherno and Elektroz i'd say), getting all their stuff by killing others (with shots in the back), because they seem to be to dumb to find it on their own. Then by luck getting maybe a sniper rifle and just sit around, sniping random people from some building, thinking "i'm the greatest in cherno, herp derp".

So i'm of course NOT AGAINST PvP, but against killing everyone like a maniac.

And in general my opinion about people who shoot others for their stuff, because they are to lazy or dumb to find it on their own: That's just pathetic.

Edited by xenomat

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well i deffently like the pvp sing:P if thers 1 thing ther make the heart pump and adreneline go crasy its wen you geet in long gunfights white ppl.:P its so eksiting.. and jer im no good pvp player i rarly have good gun but i have the shot on sight to now.. becus many times ppl just start shoting at me not saying any thing:P...

me and 1 oder frinde just got ambust near stary sober, 2 person was starting to shot at us, we cutten see em so i run out to flank em, they geet 1 of my pals and i snipe 1 of them..

and the last 1 fleed from the server like a cowerd gees a dmr rifle dos that to a person wen he cant finde me:P...

and later that day me and my pall got back stabed white a pistol:S in a mall.. lucky a.. :P

loot hunting is fun white you frindes but whiteout the pvp efekt the game white los intress to most normal ppl and only leve kids left:P.....

so keep the pvp and keep the game fun and eksiting!!

but i hate that you cant marke you group so you can see its them wen you point you gun at em.. i mean in normal life you can see ther face and so and see its them but ingame thers 90% cance they look like the person ambusing us.. so cut be nice if ppl met up that they can like marke that 1 as a frinde so if i goes wrong and it will that you have a cance of deffending and not killing you friendes

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Well, i got shoot on sight, poinnt blank in the face unarmed(even without a backpack) :-/

There is no more group games, its more the jerks, thats kill u to send u back to the beach just because u got a chance to get better than him on score, and the victim of the jerks that got shoot on the face with no reason, and now dont trust anyone.

But this is so easy to get solved, just separete some servers with humanity back, at least its simulates a "remorse" effect that is not present in the game.

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If I have no gun, I take the risk and try to introduce myself. If I have a gun or any other valuables, I either avoid or shoot if necessary. It's obvious, if someone sees you with a huge bag, a gun (or two), a ghillie suit etc. They're going to want all of that stuff.

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There is general trend I infer from posts that veterans tend to move towards shoot to kill after an initial experimental stage of engaging with other players. I suspect that half the time this is because they have tired of the main game mechanic and wish to shoot people in the face for entertainment, regardless of their "it's dangerous world and I don't take chances" faux-Clint Eastword pastiche.

In other cases, it is because semi immortal players respawn in the first place, they move towards this as a longevity technique. Unlike IRL, the process of natural selection does not apply because anti-social, masochistic, and social alike are respawned endlessly. Anti-social players probably stay around longer because they enjoy the Chernarus pickings of running around in a "crew" and ticking off new survivors. Would love to see real stats on this.

An experimental means of correcting this might be to delay respawn by 8hrs, thus making players less semi-immortal, or further incentivise collaboration against enemies and to complete simple tasks. Still, I do like the brutality of it all...

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I don't really see many players out in the wasteland but when I do we usually help each other out against zombies if needed, or we just move on. I will admit however that whenever I see a player and he see's me, I'm always watching him, never letting him/her stay out of my sight for too long. I would never shoot on sight though.

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I had this moment 5 minutes ago. I was in Cherno, fought my way through. Found some useful stuff and got to the hospital in the north with the apartment buildings around it. But i made a big mistake, i stood up and ran 1 or 2 meter. Soon two Z's bugged themself up the staircase and broke my legs, health was down to 6000 because i was in small fights before that and i were badly bleeding. I layed there and thought thats it ... But then i heard another survivor and i thought, well youre dying anyway so lets try. I asked "Friendly ?" and he said "Yes". I said i need help bad and asked him to go over to the hospital and get me morphine and bandages (stupid me checked the apartments first). After 5 Minutes or so he comes up the stairs and gives bandages, morphine and helps with a blood pack. I stand up, said thank you and then he shot me in the head and laughed. I couldnt help but laugh to.

Nevertheless I hope that stupid fucker fills the belly of some Z's who heard that shot. :-D

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maybe you're group should give people a chance? I belong to a group of veteran players armed to the teeth (I'm the sniper in our group), and the only time we EVER shoot on sight is when someone is at the barracks and they come face to face with another player. Other than that we give 'em a chance because they could become a great addition to our group. I believe in trying to maintain survival for all players. Even if it means I have to give items to stranger for them to survive.

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