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Kumiiyo and I play Day-z together and our last attempt at batman (a very very drunken attempt) ended up with us being shot before we could even control our char. I don't think anyone wised up, I just think our luck ran short. It can be a very tedious process to get to the right spot and hop around till you find somebody only to be shot before you can even do anything. After about 5 respawns we hung it up.

The fact is that there are people still in these spots. Almost every server that is +40 people is a guarantee that someone will be waiting up there. We need more batpeople.

Just spoke with Kumiiyo, He found a sniper rifle with a thermal scope on it from batman'ing it.

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Count me in, im definately up for this, iv killed my fair share of snipers on roofs but never have i thought of screaming IM BATMAN ASSHOLE right before i kill them.

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yo maybe we should make an LOLBATMANLOL club where a bunch of us do this shit. we'd need to find a way to declare ourselves tho. like when u spawn in call urself out with a secret CA-CAW! or something over the direct com

And right before we kill the snipers, we say LOLBATMANLOL so they know who we are!

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While I have no problem with the OP's actions or methods' date=' I find his contempt for the snipers rather hypocritical. This is the hostile and brutal world of Day Z. Fighting a crusade against them, where no valid end state exists, seems a supercilious exercise in righteous arrogance. It's not like the dynamic can be meaningfully affected without official changes.


u mean like... BATMAN?

omg I'm dying xDDDDDDDDDDDD

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1 - I thought this was going to be a stupid thread as I clicked

2 - It WAS but I enjoyed nearly every post

3 - I heartily applaud trolling the snipers and camper-bandits, keep it up!

4 - Find and play the old "nanananananana BATMAN!! BATMAN!!" theme before you kill someone....I've seen a video of someone playing creepy sounds or helicopter sounds via direct communication so I know it's possible.

5 - Axe has been my favorite weapon for some time so I may try this out....I like the one guy's idea of dragging their body off a roof...I tried it once but I fell off, too :(

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Half the fun as a sniper is being the kinda guy that finds and works with a nest that nobody ever thinks to check. There's no fun in shooting from the first place everyone thinks to go to. Shame on them :(

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