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Mist (DayZ)


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I'm wondering if the AWS is a legit weapon, on the wiki I only see the LA5A2 RIS CWS. I picked this weapon up a couple of days ago when I stumbled across someones camp. Really don't want to get banned because some cheater left his gear lying around.

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Hahaha if you type in LA5a2 RI....... etc, the name of the gun, into google. this is the only result! Congrantulations you made a googleplex thingy whatever it's called... See


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dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2238249 minutes ago – I'm wondering if the AWS is a legit weapon, on the wiki I only see the LA5A2 RIS CWS. I picked this weapon up a couple of days ago when I ...

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I believe only the L85A2 AWS is legit,(nv and thermal scope, assault rifle) not sure if you got the name wrong, but never heard of that weapon before.

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