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Damage chart of firearms shall be revisited.

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As much I play, as much i realize that actually whole game is based on "i go to military base and loot something, then i'm good to go".

When this happens? on low population server, by hopping server by server to try to find out something.



After that, most of the players have these 2 weapons:






Mosin require some skill to use it, because it's a bolt action rifle that is very limited on close quarter battles. And sometime you have to hit twice to kill someone....sometime more, but its LRS justify all its disadvantages.



M4....M4 is pretty annoying and frustrating. Most of the people i've got to deal with on firefights are military with M4.

It's the only weapon that you can "SPRAY AND PRAY"


This is not problem of the weapon itself....probably by adding in a near future more weapons, the magazines or tools you need will be more rare to loot but... The problem about this weapon is OP, it's because the others can't deal with it. People lean out from a wall and shoot you an entire magazine, while you do hit him twice with a "BOOMSTICK" and he's still alive! Using a weapon that require more determination and cold blood can't stand a SPRAY AND PRAY weapon if the DAMAGE CHARTS aren't properly done.



Double Barrell Shotgun, Double barrel Sawed off version, the Blaze 95, Sporter 22 shall be revisited on Damage Charts



- Double barrell, the weapon i like, i've realized after killing around 30 people with it, that is not a guarranty even on close range. Sometime i've killed one with 1 hit but naked.....but some with few dress needed 2-3 shoots on a range of 5 metres.


-Sawed Off version: 2 Days ago i've used it on the night in a military base, inside the prison. A guy came nearby the bed and it was dark...i've shoot him all 2 shots from 0,001 metres and he was still alive but crawling, broken leg


-Blaze, without a LRS it is needed a little bit more skill as you do only have 2 shoots. A week ago i've shoot a guy at 100 metres. 1 hit, broken leg...2 hit, still alive but hit....a couple more of miss the the third hit and he was dead.

And close range? Pray you won't need to reload!


-Sporter 22. ....My god, i understand it's a .22 but right yesterday i've got killed by 2 military with M4 and....Alone with my efforts i killed one of them by shooting some hits on the body and the remaining on the leg...I've shoot around 30 hit  on that guy, plus other 10-15 missing hits. The second one killed me, but i've broken him bleeding before going in hell.


Simonov is ok, as its magazine is 10 and it's semi-auto


Damage of the pellets on the shotgun, the blaze and sporter 22 damage must be increased, to make these weapons more popular among users and being able to counter guys that spends their time only on "Go to military base, then KOS".


I would like to stay on the gates of a base and selling tickets for all the people are going to! -.-

Edited by GunnyITA
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Give the B95 the option to mount a scope, dammit.



M4 is really pretty noobish.

Ammo for it should be much more rare, so spraying isn't rewarding and people think twice about holding down the trigger.




The Shotguns need to be tweaked, sRSLY.

Both versions are more a gamble in a firefight, but the long version is still a little bit safer to use.

People are able to eat 1-2 shots of the sawn off, still stand, only bleed, and manage to finish off the shotgun-player.


I also don't understand, why Shotguns' dmg was nerfed by 25% in the latest patches...

Edited by irishroy
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Give the B95 the option to mount a scope, dammit.



M4 is really pretty noobish.

Ammo for it should be much more rare, so spraying isn't rewarding and people think twice about holding down the trigger.




The Shotguns need to be tweaked, sRSLY.

Both versions are more a gamble in a firefight, but the long version is still a little bit safer to use.

People are able to eat 1-2 shots of the sawn off, still stand, only bleed, and manage to finish off the shotgun-player.


I also don't understand, why Shotguns' dmg was nerfed by 25% in the latest patches...



Without mention the sporter...trying to kill someone on military loot it's nearly impossible...around 30 hits? i'm rushing with an axe :P



Blazer, and shotguns as i said need more determination and cold blood before shooting, like Mosin on long rage. Same thing....with the difference that if you  miss a shot a mosin....before the guy understands where at you will probably die....While with close range weapons, the choices aren't that much.

And we aren't talking about "missing the target"....we are talking about damage inflict :(

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This is not BF4 there is no such thing as a gun being OP. 

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This is not BF4 there is no such thing as a gun being OP. 

all weapons have tiers to some people. Shotguns should be lethal under 50m dead in less than 3 shots.

 Military Weaponry needs spawn nerfs as long as its ammo. .22 pistol bullets can penetrate skull, but cant go through the other side, causing the bullet to ricochet and blow your brains to nothing. If someone shot you with a 9mm anywhere, not only would you prbably bleed out in less than a few hours depending on medical care, if you were belly shot your a gonner as you cant eat, flesh would take forever to heal, especially a gunshot.

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Your title sounds a bit odd - as if your Demanding that the Dev's do it. Not sure if it's just that English isn't your native language or not, but i would throw a couple of "Should"s in there for it to sound better.


But yeah. Some shit really needs to be buffed.

Unless i can get a few of the pellets in the head, the shotgun seems completely useless and LOUD. The Blaze is decent but it seems to do less damage than the Mosin. Not sure on that though. And .22s... fists are more lethal. Really needs a buff.


Pistols, to, are extremely bad.

Even .45, which is renouned for it's stopping power, takes up to eight shots to kill. Four sounds better to me. Something like 3000 damage in mod terms. 9mm, to, really needs to be buffed. Rn the Python drops people in only a few hits (Or did last time i used it) and really is the only usefull sidearm.


However, probably the worst part is magazines. Pistol and .22 mags only spawn in Firestations and military buildings, even though pistols spawn in Police Stations and .22s spawn in civil areas. This basically means that even if you find a gun, you still have to hit up a few military bases to make it worth carrying. And by that time you've found x5 60rnd Stanags and $1000 worth of M4 accessories, so what's the point of the .22?

We at least need 10rnd .22 spawning in civilian spawns and pistol mags actually in the gun.

Edited by thedogfoodyayho
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-Now shotgun is made only for breaking legs, and the neither 2 shots from 10 metres it is sure to kill.


-Sporter nearly not doing damage



And i'm surprised we've got a guy comparing this game with BF4.....Ok: Opinions are like balls, everyone has theirs.

But excluding people having a mosin, i'm sure 80% people have an M4 because of reiability, versatility.....20-30 bullets per magazine at least, accuracy till mid range, automatic fire and moderate damage.

Who can deal with it if other weapons are broken?


Hell no! If you spend hours to get an m4 by going to a military base it is your business....If i have a shotgun i kill you in less than a second right when you cross the corner. This as in any game, this as in real life.

M4 is OP not because of its damage, range, or else....but the other weapons aren't well fixed.



Maibe most of the people here don't know a thing about the .22 on real life.

The 22 lr caliber can cause fatal damage because of it relatively low velocity it does not have the power to pierce or lodge into bone, so it bounces around doing extensive damage to soft tissue, at point blank range can be lethal. Despite of other calibers superior to 9mm and they all exit from the body....the .22 stays inside your body and it's gonna be  real troubles



Bobby kennedy has been killed by a .22

Edited by GunnyITA

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