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Hospital and Deafness?

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I went to the hospital in Berenzino saw some loot through the window but couldnt get in. There seemed to be automatic doors but I couldnt open them, I searched around the whole building but couldnt find a way in even from the roof.

I got rushed by the horde, killed a bunch, but the zeds got a lucky hit and broke a bone, fortunatly I had morphine and stuff but after the fight I seemed to go deaf somewhat, could this be a side-effect of morphine or if you shoot an AK too much can you go deaf, it wasnt my computer cos my music was unaffected, just in game sound was less, any ideas?

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um well you have to shoot the glass in the front of the building but the boxes should also spawn on the roof, and the deafness could be that you lost blood and the more you lose the greyer you screen gets and also it mutes the other sounds and you her your heartbeat more louder. if there was no sound whatsoever then go to audio options and if that dosent work restart the game. If neither works then idk.

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Your sound will become muted from shock / blood loss I found, but sometimes the deafness stays (glitch I assume). I've had to restart my game to get the sound back, even after getting re-blooded.

"How to Find and Get Into a Hospital" added to my to-do list. Should release tonight, EST time.

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The muting of the sound is a result of "shock". You'll see a white icon on the right of your screen above the broken bone one that indicated shock. Just wait for it to go away and you should regain hearing.

For the loot inside you need to break the windows somehow. I recommend silently with a hatchet or crowbar.

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I second using a melee weapon to open the hospital. No need to attract any unwanted attention.

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Thanks for the quick replies, I shot the window a couple of times with a colt 1911, I'll empty the clip next time.

The deafness must have been a glitch, as I did reblood myself.

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That happened to me when I threw a empty bottle of whiskey to bust the windows.

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I break the windows with a bottle if i can find one, but will resort to my hatchet if needed.

I did get into the hospital once by shooting the window and found alot of med supplies inside. Sadly though after that the zombies came running and screaming after the shot and trapped me inside without enough ammo to get out *sigh*. esc respawned after i counted 15 zeds.

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