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A Trade/Barter System (Let the Fallout References Begin))

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Essentially this will make giving items to other players easier where there might be a trading tab when scrolled over a player and when clicked a trading screen will pop up hopefully this will reduce the urge to shoot someone for some beans when they could trade some ammo or a tool kit for it.

P.S. This is still a weak idea and is lacking a core purpose to why it should be implemented so suggestions for this idea would be great.

Thanks for reading! :D

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It would still be easier to just shoot the guy.

When i need to give stuff or take stuff from my friend i just use the backpacks or put in on the ground, it's not that different from what you're suggesting and it's already there.

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Yea that's true but its like I said its a weak idea and it just might be best to facilitate the current trade system we have.

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