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Two man group looking to get bigger

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Hey, me and my friend (Turtle) are currently looking for more players to play with, we're wanting a little squad of pretty tight knit guys that enjoy playing, we're both mature but we do like to have a laugh, we tend to play on evenings and not really on weekends.

We're looking for a few nice folk to join us, please be a team player, reliable and pretty decent at the game, we've been playing together for a while so we know the ropes, we hope you do too!

If you're interested add me on steam : bengreeny0

Also would like to add we're english speaking and based in the UK, would be great if you were too (or at least in similar time zone)

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My friend and I are looking to get a bigger group together. We have been waiting on friends to get Day Z, but they are taking too long.

We have a camp set up with 2 vehicles with a lot of gear. Both of us are good at the game and have a lot of gaming experience.

If you're interested add "Micorboy" on steam or reply here

Edit: We typically play during the evenings as well, and I can't play some weekends...so that's perfect

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I'd like to join you guys. I think Im done getting sniped alone after collecting some good weapons. Steam is Epicyeni.

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I've added you, not very experienced in PvP though, only just learned how to properly avoid zombies and be able to loot towns.

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