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Why is this game getting worse and worse in performance?

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It seems like with every passing day this game gets worse and worse performance wise. It is really starting to become unplayable. This happens on all servers by the way. I tested over 35 different servers before making this conclusion.

I am now at the point where I have ALL external ATI video card settings off and I have in game options set like this.

Terrain - Low

Objects - Low

Textures - Low

AA - Off

Shadows - Off

AF - Very High

Post P - Very High

Vsync - On


My specs

AMD FX - 4100 @ 5.1Ghz


HD 7970

Game installed on SSD @ 255mb read/write

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It seems like with every passing day this game gets worse and worse performance wise. It is really starting to become unplayable. This happens on all servers by the way. I tested over 35 different servers before making this conclusion.

I am now at the point where I have ALL external ATI video card settings off and I have in game options set like this.

Terrain - Low

Objects - Low

Textures - Low

AA - Off

Shadows - Off

AF - Very High

Post P - Very High

Vsync - On


My specs

AMD FX - 4100 @ 5.1Ghz


HD 7970

Game installed on SSD @ 255mb read/write

I play on a mid grade laptop with no issues. The biggest problems I had were with post processing, Vsync, and antialiasing. Turned all 3 off, and Bam, its playable. As for the other settings, I usually run mid-high settings. Hope this helps!

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Turn off vsync.

Recently my FPS dropped to unplayable levels after the latest beta, but reinstalling everything fixed that (running the latest beta again).

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