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Internet Shut Down While Connecting?

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Was hoping some experts could help me out here.  


I have been dealing with an issue where my internet would disconnect when loading up DAY-Z and while in the server list to join a server.  When I hit the refresh button nothing shows up (with no filters enabled).  Then randomly I would see a few servers with good ping and not full (below 50ms and less around 10/40 people in the server) and I try to connect and it fails every single time (Connection Lost). SO I would minimize to check my browser and my internet ends up being dead (Only happens with DAY-Z).  Then I go back to the lobby and try it with a different server and again...the same problem.


The only remedy that I have found to this is having to close day-Z...restart my internet, start up day-Z and hope that it works or restart my internet countless of times while in the server list and wait for the internet to go back up and click refresh and see if anything pops up.


Just hoping that someone might've dealt with this issue in the past and might know a possible fix.  Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Thank you all in advance.

EDIT: Just wanted to add this is for SA not the MOD. 

Edited by ysbear
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Having the same problem. Been searching for a fix (and the exact cause) for quite a while without finding anything of use. :(

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Same here.. Searched EVERYWHERE.  Reddit, DayZ Tumblr, DayZ Forum.  Couldn't find a solution.


I am hoping someone from the community is able to help out.  It is quite frustrating when my friends get on and I try to join there server and have to deal with this issue.


Yes... Alpha... I know.  That tends to be the response for a lot questions.  I am not complaining because I still enjoy the game. I would just like to take advantage of a fix if one exsists. 


Thank you. 

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Glad someone posted on this.. I registered on the forum to post this exact problem. 


Please anyone with a solution lend a hand and help the community! :D

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I am seeing posts on this all over the internet from different sources.  There has be some people in this forum that dealt with this.. Please help :[ *sadface*

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Having the same issue here all day....This needs to be addressed please.

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Your router is most likely the culprit! I made this silly video so I could help people out with my same problems. My game runs FANTASTIC now since i got a new router.

Edited by jingles
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