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Feel like I'm wasting my time looking for a vehicle

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I like to play on servers with 30-50 people at least, so generally resources are hard to come by.

I been running around all night and day going to each of the vehicle spawns and there are none to be found...

People must be hoarding them like crazy, ARG!

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Don't even bother to look for vehicle spawn locations, those are changed all the time and not going to be in every server. Take trips that go through multiple towns, you'll find one eventually.

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Try thinking of places people would hide them, not where they spawn.

It's really easy to find a vehicle if you just search the northern woods/fields, and once you find a pretty fast vehicle you can then search the off map.

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I've accidenty found ATV in the middle of the woods somewhere up north. Fully repaired and fueled with some shit inside. Stole it. Drove about 2km and overturned... I wish I didnt find that suicider's junk.

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Unfortunately, once you find one, it'll get stolen from you in record time, then you'll be back saying, "i'm wasting my time finding vehicles".

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Unfortunately' date=' once you find one, it'll get stolen from you in record time[/quote']

Last Offroad Truck I had, I owned for 15 consecutive days. Parked it in the same place every night. On the map. It served me well.

You need to find better hiding spots. My advice: use a slope to block on one side and trees on the other, that way there's a narrow "keyhole" of visibility and passing players will miss it if they're more htan 20m off in either direction.

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LOL... well couple hours later I found a tractor in Gorka on the road in the middle of town, which isn't marked on DayZDB. Dunno if that was a spawn or someone left it there.

Long story short I drove through some woods, hit a couple trees... and I guess it blew up! or someone grenaded me a couple times, dunno lol.

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i actually found one parked very nicely in those houses that have like a garrage near it ( just the roof)

Sadly it was is terrible shape, i think in those circumstances, vehicles should not be so badly broken, i know its more of challenge but i do think some vehicles should spawn with just fuel needed or only like 1 tyre, having everything broken is just annoying.

Car in a big town, badly broken, in a house in the middle of nowhere and out of sight of any town( including the small ones) should be in good condition.

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Came upon a bicycle over the weekend sitting in the middle of a field. Hopped on it and rode it back to my camp and parked it on the opposite side of the forest under the foliage of a tree. Could only see it if you stood inside the tree. Gone the next day. Haven't been able to find another.

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Check the forests, and edges of the maps for peoples bases. I was on Chicago 39 for maybe two hours trying to help out a streamer I follow, and I found two boats and a broken down ATV all within about 30 minutes. The ATV was in it's proper spawn place at Black Lake, and the two boats on the north east shore. You just have to know where to look really.

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