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Seattle servers aren't really Seattle servers?

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It's noon right now. I live 30 minutes north of Seattle. I look outside my window and it's sunshine. (well, overcast... but nonetheless, bright out) So why are all the seattle servers currently dark!? This makes no sense to me!

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maybe you're in another dimension!!!!!

or they haven't set up their clocks, maybe. i can't see a reason that all of them would have incorrect clocks, are you sure you tried ALL of them? i don't believe you.

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Not every server runs on the same time they say they are in. I play West Coast servers and between the 5 or so I used yesterday they all had different time in game.

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Well, not EVERY server. But the last 10 that I've tried have all been between 9:00 PM. and 1:00 AM... and yet I tried 20 last night. (wrote them all down I can tell you exactly which servers) They were all dark as well. Is Seattle in perpetual night time? haha

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Try the LA servers, they are normally pretty close to Pacific time. LA 6 was like -4 from PDT yesterday. So should have some light.

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Some make peak times (usually night time) reverse, so it's light on the server. If you are looking for something that is PST time, you should play on Seattle 118 :D

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awesome! I'll check it out. Still kinda getting my bearings with the game, So I'm trying to stick to lower populated servers. :P

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Some servers have different time settings. And the difference between night and day during summer and winter isn't accounted for in the game I believe.

We have 5 hours or less of night in the summer and the opposite in the winter here in Norway. Still only 12 hour days and nights in the game though.

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