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Looking for a clan [ZSK]

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Zombie Slaying knights [ZSK]

okay so im starting a group of friendly knights, protect the weak and slay the evil/bandits if the bother us, at the moment im alone wolf, but play with friends when there on.

1:you must be friendly to survivors. :angel:

2:know some basics of the game, but i can teach you if you dont :).

3: have a mic :cool:

4: if you would like to join comment here or pm me :cool:

5: must be mature.

:have fun :D

okay there the basis of the rules, im Australian but play on any server :P

cant wait to hear from you :D

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I'm down to join. I'm on the noob side (only about 2 weeks of playing) but I'm really looking for more people to play. Feel free to pm me with more details.

EDIT: also, I live in PST time, I believe thats GMT-7.

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I just started (just bought ARMAII:CO). I know the basics for sure, been researching the mod for a while, I just don't have any equipment. Accept if you want, but I won't feel bad if you deny it haha, wouldn't blame you.

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Hey guys, Joint task force («JTF») is recruiting members to try to set up a team similar to what you're trying to do. If you want you can check us out and join our community, our website is www.jtf.clannow.com

our team speak info is IP- jtfclan.us PASS - echo190

join it if you want to talk about teaming up in dayz!

Happy hunting,


U.S. Representative of «JTF»

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JTF-Captjac, why did you bother to post your clan link to let people join your clan, while he is letting people join his clan.

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I am in AUS as well and interested in working as a team, I will PM you my Steam ID...

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