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A missed connection - where are you Tom? (Story and looking for player)

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So there we were locking down betezino when you came towards our position, crossbow ready

While our sniper team was waiting to shoot you if you proved hostile......2 men logged in on the apartments roof behind them and killed them both

Myself and another regulator were going to head to take the bandits out and I lost connection

When I logged back in you asked if we needed an extra man, reluctantly we agreed and headed to take out the bandits

As we approached the two of you went inside to the roof and I saw someone follow you in, he was tracking your exact position although from the way he came in he could have never seen you

Suddenly your taking fire through the hatch by the ladder and I decide the guy that followed you in was with the roof bandits, he fired at you guys and from my hiding spot outside I managed to wound him

Then Tom, the Crossbowmen headshot him and killed the attacker I wounded

But my comrade that went inside with you was dead

I came up the stairs, and told you on direct chat to lock down the stairwell (didn't have time at any point to alt tab out and invite him to teamspeak)

As we are guarding the stairs waiting for people to come back I tell Tom, the new guy to grab the M4 but he says he doesn't want it and likes the crossbow

So anyway, now one of our respawned friends spots two armed guys watching the apartment entrance and at least 3 above us on the roof

A trap and no way out

"If this goes to shit, meet back at the exact location we first met" I say

Then I hear your final words

"Ok I'll wait if we get killed, by the way.....it's nice to meet some good guys for once....my name is Tom....."


He goes down to a mosin headshot

I run into the room at the back and take a round to the leg, I fire some rounds down the corridoor (no one there but only place they could have seen me)

When the shit really hits the fan

1 guy rushes up the stairs, I drop him straight away

A guy instantly logs in behind me in the room they know I'm in and I shoot him

As I turn around 4 fully geared guys rush me and my sks is out of bullets so I draw my 1911 and get off 3 rounds before 4 men riddle me with bullets

I spawned near the NEAF but when I reached the place we met, you were not there

We waited but you never came

R.I.P. Tom, the hero with a crossbow

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