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How to promote Teamwork and downplay PKing

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So IDK if this has been suggested before, but the easiest way in my mind to promote teamwork is to add a Friends list system, if you go to a server, salute a random and he salutes back, have a fun time for a few hours and generally work well, you can add him to a friends list, the list is tracked by the base game license so say his name is Bob, when you add Bob your friends list will say


If bob changes his profile name to Tim it will say

Tim (Bob)

to allow you to know it is Bob playing under a different name

This could also solve the "no name accidental friend stand-off/kill" servers by adding a green dot next to or in place of his name while playing, that way you can tell its a friendly on a glance

Alternatively you could add a Bandit-list for players you dont like, adding a red dot next to their name on sight, but I dont like this part of the idea too much because it would cause too big of a meta game with experienced players (longer lists) and disallow people from playing on both Bandit and Carebear accounts

lastly, perhaps in your friends list you could add a Bandit Toggle, so your profile would say to other people that have friended you

Tim (Bob) -Bandit-

and that would allow people to know your not grouping and not be too dissuaded with your actions should you kill them in your same server (you gave them fair warning afterall)

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Perhaps one day, but as is there are plenty of third party programs to help you add friends to a list and keep track of them so I don't see this as a major priority for the developers.

Also, it wouldn't "downplay PK" and if you find yourself sitting around trying to think of a bunch of ways to do that, you're probably playing the wrong game. PvP is at the heart of DayZ. Downplaying it makes no sense. Think of ways to refine and improve it, not soften it.

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PvP is at the heart of DayZ. Downplaying it makes no sense. Think of ways to refine and improve it' date=' not soften it.


I think we can at least agree this isnt COD, Even Rocket has said it has too much PvP, but Survivor groups are just as important as bandits, this system would allow you to meet with like minded survivors (whatever the orientation) without the disadvantage of not knowing everyone in a server you join, and being able to carry trustworthy friends from game to game

ie, if Im not in a clan (carebear or otherwise) or have RL friends in game Im at a distinct disadvantage that doesnt need to be there

perhaps saying this system would dissuade PKing was the wrong choice of words, it would promote banding together whatever you and your fellow like minded's want to do once your banded, though it would help promote survivor groups more as they are naturally not going to kill each other on site, if that makes sense

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