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El Bandido

New California Republic Tactical Military Realism Group Recruiting Now!

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New California Republic!!



Are you looking for a serious group to play with?

Well you have come to the right place, the New California Republic is a military realism clan looking for players who like to play tactically in DayZ Mod, specifically DayZ Epoch.
The New California Republic (NCR) is a group who is friendly most of the time and will try to help out other players if the situation is right.
Why join the NCR?
The NCR emphasizes many values, such as democracy, liberty, and the rule of law. It also strives to restore order and progress in Chernarus.  Upon joining the NCR you will be put through a training course we have created in Arma 2 OA, here we will determine what job you would best fit in our group.
What we do?
We are a Military Realism Group and we try to help players and restore order as in getting a trade system up and setting up outposts on whatever server we are on.  If there is a clan we deem hostile on the server we are on we will try our best to eliminate them, we have various plans for wiping out an enemy organization. If we fail to eliminate the threat or we have exhausted our players and resources under protocol we will have to suspend all activities there and search for a new server where we are more likely to strive. 
We are not a DayZ Standalone clan, we play DayZ Epoch and Vanilla.




  • NCR Trooper: You are our main fighting force..
  • NCR Combat Medic: You are required to aid the wounded as best you can.
  • NCR Heavy Trooper: You specialize in heavy machine guns and heavy weapons, which includes manning the mounted guns on cars and helis.
  • NCR Sniper: You are a highly skilled sniper rifle expert, trained to kill with on shot.
  • NCR Marksmen: You are trained to handle mid to long range rifle and shoot with deadly precision.
  • NCR Pilot: You are highly skilled in air combat and transportation.
  • NCR Military Police: You keep watch over our camps to make sure no one is stealing from us or infiltrating us.
  • NCR Ranger: When the enemy is too great or skilled for our troopers you will be deployed.  You are trained in many different areas
  • NCR Veteran Ranger: You are the best of the best, when the rangers can't get the job done you are expected finish it without any failure or casualties.
  • NCR Officer: You get the choice of making plans or leading trooper squadrons .
  • NCR High Ranking Officers: If you get this job I will speak to you privately.




15+ of age (exceptions made)
Great Role Model
Time Zone:
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:
Preferred Job:
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:
TeamSpeak IP:
34i3g8z.jpg                                        2dtzu60.png
Our main DayZ Servers:
Hope to see you there!!
Edited by El Bandido

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Time Zone:Connecticut (EST)


Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:yes

Preferred Job:marksmen, sniper, or ranger. ill do whatever is required

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: because will do whatever needs to be done and i am readily available 

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Time Zone:Connecticut (EST)
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:yes
Preferred Job:marksmen, sniper, or ranger. ill do whatever is required
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: because will do whatever needs to be done and i am readily available 


Accepted, please look for El Bandido or Electric Whale in the teamspeak and also add El Bandido on skype.

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Are you guys also recruiting for Standalone? If so I would be interested and I'll fill out an application if not thank you for your time.

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Are you guys also recruiting for Standalone? If so I would be interested and I'll fill out an application if not thank you for your time.

Unfortunately, we do not play enough Standalone. thank you for you're interest though. If you ever start playing the mod we will still be here. 

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Name: Witterzz on steam

Age: 17

Time Zone: GMT

Country: England

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Definitely without fail.

Preferred Job: Trooper, Police

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: i am skilled, very active on the game and i would be a great team member

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Name: Witterzz on steam
Age: 17
Time Zone: GMT
Country: England
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Definitely without fail.
Preferred Job: Trooper, Police
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: i am skilled, very active on the game and i would be a great team member


Accepted, Please add elbandido89 on skype and look for El Bandido or Electric Whale in the TS.

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Name: Ganjah Smoke


Time Zone: GMT

Country: Canada

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes

Preferred Job:  Pilot, marksmen ,sniper

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: its been almost 2years im playing this game and im very active player 

Edited by davhuet

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Name: Ganjah Smoke
Time Zone: GMT
Country: Canada
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes
Preferred Job:  Pilot, marksmen ,sniper
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: its been almost 2years im playing this game and im very active player 


pending, please add elbandido89 to skype and look for ether El Bandido or Electric Whale in the teamspeak. i just need to ask you a couple questions.

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Name:Jack Fisher


TimeZone: Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)

Country: America

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes I am

Preferred Job: NCR Trooper

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I am a good fighter and i have been troopers in the past i am good with waepons and i am geared up and ready to fight whatever dayz throws at me


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Name: Mitch


Time Zone:gmt


Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes

Preferred Job:Pilot,driver

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:You need people I need a group put them together and its a good mix

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Name: Mitch
Time Zone:gmt
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes
Preferred Job:Pilot,driver
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:You need people I need a group put them together and its a good mix


Accepted, Please add me on skype (elbandio89) also look for ether El Bandido or Electric Whale in the Teamspeak.

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Name:Jack Fisher
TimeZone: Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)
Country: America
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes I am
Preferred Job: NCR Trooper
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I am a good fighter and i have been troopers in the past i am good with waepons and i am geared up and ready to fight whatever dayz throws at me


Accepted, Look for El Bandido or Electric Whale in the teamspeak.

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NCR is under new leadership. I EletricWhale, will be humbly restoring the values of the NCR creed. Contact me if you have any desire to join the clan. Look for ElectricWhale in the provided teamspeak.

Edited by blackout2011
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Name: Matthias

Age: 21

Time Zone: EST

Country: US

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Affirmative. 

Preferred Job: Sniper

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Everyone wants to be a part of something they can enjoy. I am no different.

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Name: Matthias
Age: 21
Time Zone: EST
Country: US
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Affirmative. 
Preferred Job: Sniper
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Everyone wants to be a part of something they can enjoy. I am no different.


Matthias: Application pending look for ElectricWhale in TS provided. Thank you for your time.

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Always looking for fresh recruits. Also add me on skype: Blackout20113 

Edited by blackout2011

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Name: Remington (IRL) Riggertson (in-game)

Age: 16

Time Zone: Texas, Central.

Country: USA

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: School might get in the way, as academics are number one priority right now. I am currently lined up for Westpoint.

Preferred Job: NCR High Command.

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:

I believe order is essential and I served in the 82nd AB realism unit. I am extremely familiar with military and small unit tactics as well as high command and like I said, I am lined up for Westpoint and already have my Congressional letters. I would be honored to serve with my fellow to-be NCR friends and I look forward to conversing amongst some of the top ranking NCR Officers. I also have a TS3 account. Thank you for taking your time to read this application and considering it.

Please message me at [email protected]

Or Skype upon reading this message.

Rem.gray (Skype)

I'm also in love with fallout if that helps any.

Edited by Riggertson

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