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[Logouts and Blood]

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Idea for Logouts

- If a player decides to logout he must wait 5-10 (with a countdown warning in the screen) seconds similar to what is done in some mmo's and if a player hits alt-f4 his char still has to wait 5-10seconds before being disconnected. I think this could prevent part of the logout problem.

Idea for Blood Loss

- As for blood I think food is not enough, in real life our body replenishes lost blood so we could replenish blood if we /sit and rest for a while like 20-30 minutes. This would be dangerous because of other players catching us resting. Or maybe if we eat while resting we could restore more blood. Also the loss of colour should only apply when below 5k, having 7-8k and seeing absolutely nothing until we eat a dozen times kinda sucks :<

Idea for Water (special)

- AS for water I find it unrealistic the way we are not allowed to drink directly from ponds or wells and instead are required to have a canteen (?) we should be allowed to drink directly or fill up whisky bottles with it, furthermore drinking directly from ponds and wells could be risky since it could have bacteria and it could be some sort of last resort for survivors , this could be fixed with antibiotics or boiling the water in a fire.

I hope this helps a bit.

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The disconnect timer has been looked at by the dev team for awhile. It would have been implemented along time ago if they could get it working. I don't care for the blood idea. I like this game to be as hard as it can. The water idea does make sense. Pond water should be boiled over a fire. They would also need to introduce something to boil it in than as well.

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or you could just keep it simple and add an item like the purification tablets that the military uses....

give the item a total of 5 uses before the resource is exhausted, and you have to find a new purifying tablet.

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Could work, I only mentioned the water thing because there were more than a couple of times where I couldn't find soda\canteen and I kept finding wells\ponds etc.. and I really needed a drink.

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Logouts - Definite no on that for now, zombies cheat through things, and I WILL continue to DC cheat them as long as they keep wallhacking on me.

Blood - YES. This has always bothered the crap out of me, why doesn't a high suga drink (soda, like the high sugar OJ you get when GIVING BLOOD) replenish any blood?? Why cant sleeping replenish it!?

Water - ALSO YES! I never thought to have drinking out of lakes be a thing, but why not! its brilliant. Dying of thirst next to a fresh water lake because you dont have a canteen to fill? What is that insanity?

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