michelzain (DayZ) 0 Posted April 26, 2014 sted 21 April 2014 - 11:49 AMIL 3486 PANTHERA Epoch - Operation Surviving - [600+ Vehicles][Weaponboxes][Refuel][Tow/Lift][selfBB][AntiHax][AllFixed][AI Bandits Camps][Removeable ModularBaseBuildings/SelfBloodbag/SafeTrader/Lift/Tow/DayZ Epoch PANTHERA EPOCH PANTHERAHey everyone!we just launched a new Dayz EPOCH server on with no lag and active admins.The server is based on the Dayz EpochThe server is hosted in Germany1. Lifting & Towing2. Autorefuel at any gas station3. more sunny and clear weather4. Combat Logger punishment5. Two repairstations6. safe Traders7. coustom buldings 8. Alwaya daytime9. AN2-BiPlan with M240 and 1200 rounds.10. taking clothes from dead Player11. Safezones with anti-theft12. AI loot Missions13. Self BloodbagSo feel free to check us out Admins : MichaelDaniel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites