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who killed me? obituaries?

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Just had such a tragic and pointless murdering after working really hard to get my shit together. Sad because I have zero intention of cold-killing ANYONE.


Is there a way to find out who did it though? Feeling I was set up. Was quite weird. 


Something to do with Obituaries in trade cities? if so, how do I figure it out?


Much appreciated.

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If you werent a bandit, you can check it from murder board in trader cities. Its pretty obvious to find if you know what you look for. Bandit deaths wont show up. And notice that the board resets in restart.

Edited by Aamunkajo
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Hmm, rather think that I'd end up not playing it. Is it just a drawn out death match? Seeing as voice chat is banned across the whole mod it seems no one has the opportunity to verbally assess whether you're a threat or not. 


And seeing as typing takes too long, everyone shoots.


There are some really sick players though. One example... I was asking for a keyboard shortcut for something or other and someone suggested a shortcut that kicks you! and can lead to being banned apparently. Me, not realising, did just that and got kicked. Nasty.

Edited by zombieland78

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It's not the mod it's the server :p


The server I play on allows voice chat in side.

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Ah, well maybe someone can answer this....


When I've seen standalone voice chat seems to be a necessary component to staying alive i.e. if you don't identify yourself as friendly within 3 seconds you can be shot. But almost every mod server says 'voice chat not allowed'.


Now, when I've been playing the mod, sometimes I'll hear some fuzzy, nonsensical yelp coming through voice chat and it's REALLY annoying, so I can see why it's not allowed, but I also suspect that in standalone, voice chat is proximity based (as in you only hear it if you're near someone) but in the mod everyone seems to hear it. So it would make sense to not allow it in the the latter case.


Am I correct?

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On those servers where I play, voice over side chat is restricted but in direct its allowed.

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Right, excuse my ignorance here. How do you differentiate between direct and side? and I take it one is based on how close you are to another player, the other is global?

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The color of the the name will be blue for side and white for direct, same with text in the chat log.

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