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Are all Stable Servers now with a new every 2 hour Reboot?

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No, there is A LOT of simple servers, should i do a pic for forums or what?

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Glad you could clear that up for me.And so coherently stated too, I might add............Not.

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Glad you could clear that up for me.And so coherently stated too, I might add............Not.

If i understood your sarcasm well, then - How i supposted to answer? Count every server with different restart delay or what?

Then make a diploma-work about servers in dayz standalone, and post my work here?

Join servers of unpolite invaders and be happy murdering ppl.

Or join servers which one have GB, NE, GE, FR etc shit in name. Dafuq you asking for?

Your butthurt that ppl will have loot? It's alpha i think everyone must have ability to spawn any loot he wish to do it's job - TEST THE DUCKLING GAME

So if you see any deep points in that's thread, that's my "small" brain can not find, please explain it more wide.Thanks.

Edited by Electi

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Nope, not all servers have 2h restarts. Usually server admins include restart times in the name, but it's not a rule.

Unless I don't know about some recent changes that is.

Edited by retro19

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Yo Electi.....Not even close bright boy.I just understood it to be that the hive server was controlling certain aspects of what the stable servers were capable of.I knew that my server rented from GS was rebooting every 4 hrs. automatically and could not be adjusted to do anything otherwise.My belief was that it was out of my hands and the server provider's hands to change this until I noticed its change yesterday.All I was wanting to know was anyone else experiencing this too.So with that, get off of your high horse and bugger off.

Edited by AdmiralBull

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