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Shops? Valuta?

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My suggestion is : Having something like Money - Dollar's which can be found in Wallets which can be found in Residintial's

After you get money and lets say you have 100$ You will be able to go to a shop located in 1 city JUST 1 SHOP

Let's Say Elektro or Cherno theres a shop like next to the Supermarket or Infront of Firestation.

At this guy you can ONLY BUY Tent's , Beans , Drinks , Clothing , Ammo ( AKM , Stannag , StannagSD , Ak , Makarov ) etc the beginner things.

Ofcourse going to a shop bring's Risks .

Make the shop's only active when there are over 30 people in the server if there are not 30+ people then you cant interact with it.

I realise its post apocaloyps <- dont how to spell it .

But there are always people who would like to Trade there items right?

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