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John Blakeley

The Galactic Empire [EPOCH] - Unrivaled Arrogance and Entitlement Since 97'!

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Greetings, my name's  Admrl. John Blakeley and I'm from the Galactic Empire. We're looking for fresh recruits and experienced veterans alike to fill our ranks on DayZ Epoch! We're an organized, military structured DayZ taskforce with a lot to offer, so anyone looking for fun, tactical teamplay has come to the right place!





To join the Galactic Empire on our alcoholism-fueled tyrannical rampage through Chernarus, you must first :


-Possess a decent, working microphone

-Be over the age of 15

-Have Skype and TS3

-Be reasonably mature





To join our ranks, simply reply to this thread with the provided template!

Below is the application template you are advised to use in response to this thread:


Skill Level:
Reason for Joining:
Any Previous Clans?:




If you meet the above requirements and wish to join, please either respond to this thread or reach us on Skype @ docmedpac

Our TS3 Server is down for maintenance and we will update the thread with the IP and password when possible.


Thanks for reading,


Admiral John Blakeley

Edited by John Blakeley

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Name: DoubleOBean
Age: 17
Location/Timezone:Oregon/Pacific Standard Time
Skill Level: Moderate
Playstyle: Tactical
Reason for Joining: Looking for a group of people to play Dayz with, and have a lot of fun with.
Any Previous Clans?: No previous clans.  First timer, lol. 

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Name: PT Night
Age: 32
Location/Timezone: Portugal Azores / -1 time zone
Skill Level: Moderate
Playstyle: Tactical
Reason for Joining: Looking for a group of people to play Dayz with, and have a lot of fun with.
Any Previous Clans?: I normaly play with my cusin and we like to call us PT but we never realy made of it a real clan !

Skype : Mario_9900

Steam: mario_9900

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Name: DoubleOBean

Age: 17

Location/Timezone:Oregon/Pacific Standard Time

Skill Level: Moderate

Playstyle: Tactical

Reason for Joining: Looking for a group of people to play Dayz with, and have a lot of fun with.

Any Previous Clans?: No previous clans.  First timer, lol. 


Application accepted! You're in mate. I'll PM you with more details.

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Location/Timezone:Eastern standard time (Canada)
Skill Level:mid to high level
Playstyle: I normaly go the strategic route and prefer to use sniper rifle's
Reason for Joining:Looking for a semi serious group of people to play with
Any Previous Clans?:only ever played with a couple friends but it wasnt really a clan

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Location/Timezone:Eastern standard time (Canada)

Skill Level:mid to high level

Playstyle: I normaly go the strategic route and prefer to use sniper rifle's

Reason for Joining:Looking for a semi serious group of people to play with

Any Previous Clans?:only ever played with a couple friends but it wasnt really a clan


Application accepted! Again, I'll PM you with all the details.

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