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A Racist Mexican

Wanting to start or join group/clan for epoch

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Hi, I am looking for to start/ form a group of players that are interested in the epoch mod.

I am 15 and from Australia, haven't been playing dayz for that long but know how to play, I can fly, drive and am able in combat. I am looking for a group as I am tired of running in squads and having little to no chance of winning a gunfight. I would say that my strongest asset in looting, I generally have no problem in finding gear within a short period of time.

Edited by A Racist Mexican

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Check us out at www.dgrclan.com. We have 3 Epoch servers and we also have an Aussie who goes by fps-doug within the group who plays Epoch frequently.

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i am starting a group i have a friend and looking for more player (go to my profile for more info on me and him)


if interested add me on steam at ahiddenblade

or pm on the forums 

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hi guys, im looking to earn to keep my gear safe plus jump in the squad when needed. bn playing for a few months so still abit of a newbie but if ya intrested id b happy to join

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