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Shoot hits not showing

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I was attempting to range my scope the other day but every shot I made was not showing. I changed range, fired at different objects and land areas; I fired into the water but still could not see my round land anywhere. If I fired at a close tree then it would show a hit but anything past 100 or so yds did not show. I have no idea where any of these rounds landed and I fired quite a few. Any suggestions?

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Unfortunately between the shot hitting effect being really small now/hard to see, and the animation of the mosin kicking up on reloads it's pretty hard to see your shots past a certain distance.  After about 500m or so you also have to aim a decent amount down and left of the center crosshair.


I'd say get some one to spot for you, or else try to shoot things that make a noticeable effect, such as metal to get a feel for it.

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I think its a bug. Since the newest patch I can't see my hits further than 100 m. And I don't think its just a smaller dust-cloud now because when I shoot just in front of me it makes quite a big cloud. Have been sniping the last several weeks but now its very hard because I can't andjust a second shot when I don't know where the first went :(

Edit: since the patch before the crosshair was centered correctly so no need to adjust the aim

Edited by Tikka

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Edit: since the patch before the crosshair was centered correctly so no need to adjust the aim


Ahh good to know.


In reference to the dust cloud I meant compared to the mod.  I haven't actually done much sniping for a while, and none since the patch.  If they've changed it that sucks, it was already hard enough to tell where your shots were before.

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I wonder if it's intentional or not. Is the bullet still working at ranges over 100 m?

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Shooting bullets at things does not magically cause a huge plum of smoke to rise from where it hits.


Not able to see where your round hits is quite normal and especially hard when shooting without a spotter.

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Ok and why do I see a large smoke when I shoot a wall from 30 m but the same wall from 400 I don't see anything? If it is intentional, a spotter won't see anything more than I see...

Tried with zombies too and on difference to before I just see them fall without the typical blood that shows a hit.. and when close there is blood as always

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I shoot at walls windows metal roofs roads dirt water rocks trees...nothing.

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Shooting bullets at things does not magically cause a huge plum of smoke to rise from where it hits.


Not able to see where your round hits is quite normal and especially hard when shooting without a spotter.

Did you read the post at all?    The new fucking patch broke the games ability to render bullets hitting objects that worked fine before.   How can you have 2000 posts but not know that in DayZ we used to see bullets register well past 100m.  It was over 800m before this piece of shit patch.

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