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ZOMBIFIED | Build Snapping | Custom Citys+Buildings | More Military Loot | Safezone/AntiTheft Traders | Heli Lift+Towing | Vehicle Service Points |

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ZOMBIFIED Epoch Chernarus Server


Build snapping - Instead of trying to manually line everything up just simply scroll and enable build snapping! It lines everything up for you!


Custom Cities+Buildings - The admins think it's important to get a wide variety of things to do, places to go and generally the varied experience of new buildings / cities can mean immense fire fights and action! We find this important and therefore we manually create custom cities and buildings in the map of Chernarus that shouldn't normally be there but thanks to us it is and it offers a unique experience to our server.


More Military Loot - Just simply more loot in military buildings, we've editted the loot table to add more spawns in militarised buildings.


Safezone/Anti-theft Traders - We know how simply frustrating it is when you're at Stary and you're trying to buy or sell something and in the process you get shot and killed and the guy who shot you gets all the loot. That's why we've safezoned areas and made it so that nobody can steal out of your backpack too! Nobody can even access your backpack unless you've tagged them as friendly! Problem solved, right!?


Heli Lifting+Towing - Flying around in a huey or driving around in an SUV and you see a Ural on the side of the road, missing a wheel and think you want it to take back to your base and fix up or simply to take to a trader and sell? Then simply pull over and tow it to the back of your SUV or hover low over above it and hit Tow Object.


Vehicle Service Points - You've just been in an immense shoot-out and your armored SUV is a bit battered and is out of ammo and running out of fuel.. So you should head right over to the nearest gas station! Here you can refil your vehicle with fuel for free and/or fully repair the vehicle for a small fee of 2 gold and/or fully rearm the vehicle's gun with ammo for just 2 10oz Gold!


Heli Evacs - If you own a LOCKED heli and you have the key, why not make it your EVAC heli!? As long as you've got an EVAC heli's key in your toolbelt, you can call the EVAC heli to come from where ever you left it to pick you up from anywhere on the map of Chernarus!


AI Missions - The AI are doing little jobs while you're playing (which they suck at) and often they fly into a bit of bother, if they're stuck somewhere with an MV-22 or etc.. Then why not go kill them all, steal the MV-22 and take all their gear to sell at the traders!? :D


The map is constantly getting updated with new buildings in already existing cities or airfields and with new CUSTOM CITIES like the one up North hidden away with 6 barracks and a bunch of industrial places to loot! We're open to suggestions from our players on new things that we can add to our server to make your experience better. 


Server IP:

Edited by KillerSquires

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