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cat (DayZ)

Extensive in-depth idea for rewarding good-guy players

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So basically... being a good guy is not something you would do for the goodness of your heart if i summ it up well, you would do it for the rewards.

Now i do have questions.

Why do you think good guys need to be rewarded?

Why do you think bad guys need to be punished?

Where does it fit in a world where there is no society anymore to enforce laws and moral?

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Why do you think good guys need to be rewarded?

Why do you think bad guys need to be punished?

I would like to make note that a new skin forced upon a player for either playstyle would be a punishment. It's a target on your back, friends. If you want to implement something like this, for bandits and good guys alike, make it choice based.

You bandaged and transfused 50 teammates? You ARE AWESOME. A random drop happens - just for you! It's the army, and they've flown a heli in to drop you your new skin (take it at your own peril!) and a bunch of supplies!

You shot 50 guys in the face? You ARE AN EVIL BASTARD. A random drop happens - you hear some gunfire, and go to investigate, only to find a platoon of NPC baddies getting munched on by some zeds, and then they shamble off into the forest. You find your new skin (take it at your own peril!) and a bunch of supplies!

You have (by choice) the new skin that tells everybody, "Look at me. I'm a serious badass good/bad guy!" and immersion is saved.


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I like your idea but I agree that many skins is probably way too much work. I do like the idea of having one extra skin for "good" players who have humanity above a certain level. I really think it would encourage more complex interactions.

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I really think it would encourage more complex interactions.

The most obvious' date=' of course, is the one that takes place without your knowledge. The guy perched up high. "Oh look, there's a group of surviv--- oh [i']hello, Mr. Perfect Target!"


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You can trust me... but can I trust you?

I'm beginning to rethink the whole 'nice guy' stance in this game. Yeah its rough but not rough enough to be dicks to everyone... but still I have my space and you? You stay waaay over there and we're good okay? If you come too close? Well you might just die...

I'm no saint to anyone but my own group... and Callahan. He saved my life.

Rewarding good players with in game mechanics is against this mods purpose. The Doctors without Borders aren't asking for anything when they go to Africa and work for basically free in a dangerous environment. Why should this game do that?

Good deeds will be reward if their is the player desire to reward it; again Callahan is not in my group but I will go out of my way to save/help him since he saved me when I was in real bad shape.

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