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The Makarov

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Soon after I started playing this game, I noticed a lot of players frowned upon the Makarov PM.

So whenever I found a M1911 or a revolver I would quickly exchange my Makarov for it.

Only since a few days I have actually learned to value the "BB gun" a lot and turned down a few M1911's and revolvers for it.

Here's why:

1.) As a more advanced and experienced player, I have learned to aim for the zombies heads, so the low damage is mostly negated.

2.) Magazines for it are really common so ammo is not a problem (especially when you head north ammo is often rare for any weapon)

3.) Most importantly: The sound is really low. It only seems to attract zombies from less than ~10m.

Now as a more advanced player I usually have a fully automatic weapon for player encounters so I don't need a high damage pistol, also I don't want to waste my primary rounds on zombies, so the Makarov is perfect.

NOTE: I'm only talking about the common pistols here. Obviously, if you find a M9 SD it's a far better choice than the Mak. But between the pistols that you usually find in the starting towns, it's by far the best one in my opinion.

So, to the more experienced players in here. What do you use until you find one of the rarer pistols?

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Yeah I keep my Makarov for quite some time, especially before the patch that enabled you to combine Revolver/1911 ammo. It's fantastic as a zombie killer, and as you say the ammo is plentiful. Typically, I'll use the Makarov whilst I'm travelling north looting barns etc then when I reach camp I switch to a Revolver.

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