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Debug Monitor

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Is there a way to make it display my Food/Blood/Hunger in numerically? I never pick up on the slow gradual change of color until it's dark red and I collapse.

I should be more observant, yes... but I get sucked into the game and don't look at the color change. :(

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When bleeding the icon flashes with a cross on it and you can see the numbers dropping in the debug monitor so it's kinda hard to miss.

Food and water isn't an issue until they start blinking and then it's kind of obvious.

I would just suggest you take a look at the icons every once in a while, each time you get hit, either by a bullet or zombie, check to see if you're bleeding.

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I know about it Zeke but i saw a video a few weeks ago that showed a guy with "Audibility" and "Visibility" on Debog Monitor

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The debug monitor will be eventually going away. Sure, the numerical values are great, but it's called debug for a reason. You really shouldn't need to eat or drink anyways until you are blinking: It's a waste otherwise.

I do think we should retain the numerical values for blood though: If I have 94 blood or 2400 blood, it would make the difference for me in risking to get meat or blood packs for myself.

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