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Gromit (DayZ)

Learnt a valuable lesson..

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I play with my brother and we have a simple rule - if we see someone who we don't know and we cant avoid - we will shoot first and live with any consequences...

last night we were looting a barn to get my brother a Rifle - we had to shoot a few Zeds who were holding a rave on the top floor and while my brother was looting one side I moved to the other

I was half way up the stairs when I hear footsteps - I turn expecting to see a Zed and instead see a Survivor with an Enfield - he hesitates (maybe surprised by my Camo or maybe he hadn't made his mind up) and I drop him cleanly as soon as my sights come up

lesson to be learned? If you hear shooting and you are going Solo DON'T approach the area and instead keep your distance - if he hadn't cornered me in the barn and instead had been 100m + away I probably wouldn't have shot him

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