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backpack blues

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I don't know if it's a bug but it's probably just me doing something wrong. i went into a house where i heard flies buzzing. the body was already sunk but there were supplies and an alice pack, I tried to pick the pack up but i couldn't. so in my stupidity i dropped my pack which had all my bandages. I die because of it. long story short, when i tried to use the mouse wheel and enter it only showed gear not take pack. and i couldn't pick up my old backpack eithier.

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There seems to be a conflict with loot and bags on the floor, sometimes you have to pick up and move all the other loot thats in the same position as the bag first.. then you can pick the bag up and or swop it for your old one...

they seem to hover in the air over the loot on the floor, this causes it to not shop up when you scroll mouse over it, but sometimes if you move back away from the loot and scroll mouse you can sometimes hit the backpack on the floor... and yeh unfortunately sometimes you lose your bag when you try and drop your first! thats just bad luck lesson learnt!

good luck

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Yeah this always happens, sometimes you are lucky enough, as machoman said to pick up the loot under it which occasionally allows you to interact with the backpack and pick it up. But I would suggest never dropping your backpack, just choose Take Backpack so you know you wil be getting a backpack even if your other one goes missing when they swap.

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That has happened to me as well. Dropped my pack and it just went POOF. Picked up my shiny new (and empty) Alice Pack. The old pack and gear inside was nowhere to be seen.

The safest way I have found.

First, make SURE the pack on the ground shows the option to TAKE PACK. Now transfer all your gear into it. Once you are done transferring items you can pick up the new pack with all your gear inside. This has never failed me yet.

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