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Hunger Games Event! - Details Below.

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CANCELED: No one has entered so the event will be canceled. Sorry. Although feel free to join at anytime for some good ol' Epoch.

NOTE: The server will be password protected up until the event is over! We will be hosting a Hunger Games event so a fight to the death with the leading victor!


  • If you want to participate, then please comment below and tell your name, so we know who's joining. If we find anyone not registered for this event they will be kicked at the time of 18:30. If one of possibly multiple of those does not show then the user that has joined will be able to play.

  • We are only accepting 24 people so the other 6 slots will be reserved for referees!

  • At 18:10 (UTC-5: USA East Coast) is when people start to spawn, so at 18:30 is when people start meeting up at the set locations to meet depending on your spawn point on the coast, so we can transport them to the HALO point. Anyone who drops early shall be shot and will have to travel on their own without the advantage of the supplies at the HALO point.

  • The server will be password protected the entirety of the event so no random people may join. This password shall be given at 17:30.

  • From time the games start, if you die you must leave to sustain the one life rule, if one attempts to respawn they shall be kicked.

  • All resources on the map is yours to use.

  • There will be a referee base. If you come within sight you may be shot. Although if you manage to take it over you are free to the supplies within.

  • The goal is to be the last one standing and this event will last until that goal is reached. Once it comes down to the final six we, the referees, will begin hunting.

  • Once the goal is reached we will notify the event is over on here and will announce the winner.

  • The winner will win 5 briefcases worth of gold to use on our server! And will be bragged as champion every hour as a notification.

If you have any questions just ask. I may be missing some details here.


After this event is over we will return to our normal Epoch server with no password and no fight to the death... well maybe that.


Now the server details:

Hosted by: HFBServers

Owner: Seth

Slots: 30


Mod: DayZ Epoch

Restarts are every six hours: 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00.

Edited by antiquote

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