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Trying to train misfits :)

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I have been trying to train these guys to be deadly soldiers that are ruthless and unforgiving. I have failed! What do I have to do to get through to these kids! 


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I have a few suggestions....first off, get out of that warehouse and give these lads some trigger time.


Secondly, You have to be more aggressive. Don't hold their hands...you let them loose in Balota, Berezino, or any other battlegrounds on the server you play on. Let them get a taste for blood, death, and revenge.



Lastly, you reward them for there acts of brutalism and unforgivingess with either gear or kind words of encouragement...or both.


How do I know this will work? Because I have trained many a lambs into cold-blooded killers....some to the point of where I am scared to roll with them.


But oh what a feeling it is to watch some wet behind the ears ladybug blossom into a fuckin' Lion that destroys everything in its path and begs for more. I can only compare it to a proud Father watching his son ride a bike or taking his first real shit without a potty chair.


Good Luck to you sir.

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