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Golden Child

Persistent Storage Thoughts

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 Hey all, I was recently thinking to myself about the persistent storage (crates, tents, whatever) being added to the game it raised a few of my concerns.

- Makes the game more of a respawn-y type, removes the whole washed up on shore, tattered and have to scavenge for loot into the unknowns, and turns it into rush to your container for your gear back and proceed to TDM.

- Relating to my point above, will this make more people take this as a Call of Duty game and just rush to their containers to grab an M4, and proceed to gun down every breathing moving thing they see.

- Maybe the possibility of "suicide looters" basically making a persistent storage somewhere around a good loot spawning location, for example we'll say NWAF. You rush up there and make your stash, put all the loot you gathered from your trek in there, run to the airfield with a magnum and a speedloader, gun down anything you see and gather all the loot you find.

- Will running through a forest be a more "effective" way to find loot while just running and looking for crates/tents be more rewarding than risking your character in a town?

TL;DR: I feel like the whole having your loot safe in a crate 30 minutes that way after you respawn, ruins the feel of washing up on a beach with no idea what you're going to face or where to begin.

 Just a few positives to lighten the mood!

- Makes tailing people and being unseen by the opposing player more effective than shooting them down. Maybe follow them to their storage?

- Certain groups of survivors could control a town or territory making turf wars between two groups trying to keep their loot safe from the other group.

- Bait containers  ;) 

Any other thoughts?

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In the mod I spent a lot of time trekking the western wilderness looking for camps. I picked a single server, and started generating a list of map coordinates for found camps. I'd check them every so often looking for regular changes to figure out which ones were active and which were abandoned. Eventually I realized someone was doing the same thing on my server. We kept stealing the same motorbike back and forth and trying to hide it in different spots. Eventually this lead to a friendly rivalry between my group and theirs. Taken as a whole, the drama panned out over several weeks and is to this day one the most gratifying DayZ experiences under my belt.


So hell to the yeah I can't wait for persistent storage.


Also, I was guilty of hoarding weapons and gear in a network of camps stretching from the woods west of zeleno all the way up to the top of the map. It didn't take long to realize just how much work that was. I stopped and just started to play. So yeah, people will do the things you fear... but they'll spend all their play time doing it. Eventually they'll probably stop and just play.

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It doesn't change gameplay that much, just adds one more thing to do before you accomplish everything in game. Rushing to a military base to grab a weapon to kill everything is no different than rushing to your tent for the same purpose. It's just a matter of player's attitude to game, not an existence or absence of storage items. As for stashes close to high value areas, I've seen lots of those in the mod, they were picked clean by other players quickly.

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It's still a lot of effort to hide a good stash and fill it, and it WILL get found eventually, the map isn't as big as it seems.  As noted above, time spent adding loot to your stashes is time spent playing.  Instead of sitting around camping the airfield, you're actively looting it or whatever.  It's like gearing up multiple times per life instead of just once.


It worked fine in the mod, and gives players something to do.  It also helps to settle players on to specific servers, which regardless of how much you actually interact with each other personally does build a minimal sense of community, encountering the same usual players.


It's a highly positive thing.

Edited by Bororm

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It doesn't change gameplay that much, just adds one more thing to do before you accomplish everything in game. Rushing to a military base to grab a weapon to kill everything is no different than rushing to your tent for the same purpose. It's just a matter of player's attitude to game, not an existence or absence of storage items. As for stashes close to high value areas, I've seen lots of those in the mod, they were picked clean by other players quickly.


you know that stashes close to barracks/firestations were used to loot farm, right?

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