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Suppressed MK17 - hacked?

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Note: I'm posting this for my friend because he has yet to receive his activation email.

An outline of events as recanted to me by my friend:

He respawned near Elektro and found a 1911 with a single magazine. As he's moving towards the outer-city firestation from the center of town he spotted zed aggro and then a guy in a ghillie engaging the zeds with a suppressed weapon. My friend killed the guy in the ghillie with his only mag of 1911 ammo.

When he went to loot his kill he discovered the following: 2xNVG, 2xRangefinder, Backpack (coyote), 1xL85A2 AWS, 1xMK17 CCO SD.

It is my understanding that the L85A2 AWS is legitimate, despite not being listed on the loot cheat sheet.

Is the MK17 CCO SD a hacked weapon? It has an icon in-game, which I guess means it's legit, but we're still not sure.

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Yeah , it's hacked , I would suggest not picking it up.

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Yeah ' date=' it's hacked , I would suggest not picking it up.


Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just looking for more information.

How do you know that it's hacked?

I mean, Rocket has added/removed weapons silently multiple times, mostly for the heli-crash uber-lewt. Is it possible that this MK17 CCO SD was added silently at some point in DayZ's life?

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Yeah ' date=' it's hacked , I would suggest not picking it up.


Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just looking for more information.

How do you know that it's hacked?

I mean, Rocket has added/removed weapons silently multiple times, mostly for the heli-crash uber-lewt. Is it possible that this MK17 CCO SD was added silently at some point in DayZ's life?

It's not in the loot tables, and I don't think he is adding and removing weapons silently anymore, the forums would be filled with threads about "So is this a hacked weapon or not?"

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NVGs are ultra rare. The guy had 2 of them, the rarest backpack, a very rare rifle, and a questionable suppressed weapon. He was a hacker.

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Yeah ' date=' it's hacked , I would suggest not picking it up.


Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just looking for more information.

How do you know that it's hacked?

I mean, Rocket has added/removed weapons silently multiple times, mostly for the heli-crash uber-lewt. Is it possible that this MK17 CCO SD was added silently at some point in DayZ's life?

Well , it could be that Rocket is a super-secret patcher and added it in unannounced , but for most intents and purposes if it isn't on this table


Then it's either hacked , or Rocket's a ninja patcher.

I do accept the posability that it was secretly added in to test , but it's better being safe than sorry.

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Or the hackers found a way to get it into the game with picture attached to it. I would have to say it is hacked otherwise there would be a lot more post on this weapon asking if it was hacked or not.

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Lucky, the only hacker I've killed didn't even have NVGs.

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I do not believe it has been added into dayz from the default arma 2 CO weapons list as of yet.

If I were you I would leave it alone.

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Rarest backpack + ghillie + weapons ike that and a NVG & Rangefinder <-- when no sniper

Nobody would risk so much in Cherno or Elektro i think lol withouth a group

Def a hacker just drop the CCO SD gun to avoid a DayZ Database ban

But if you want you can use it on your own risc

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You will not be globally banned for carrying hacked items. You will only be banned for doing shit or running 3-rd party scripts or injecting hooks or other malicious shit. That was announced by Rocket long time ago already. There is shit load of things that not on that list - for example radio, does that item radio is hacked ? I remember some weapons that used to be in the mod for example FLIR sniper rifles got removed after some patched and caused massive buthurt from masses, yet for some players some weapons stayed mysteriously. This is alpha - everything is possible - don't explain everything with hacks.

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ROFL you WILL be Global Banned for carrying hacked items. How do I know? My friends killed hacker before the mass bans, he picked up M4 Silenced Halo (grenade launcher) and red dot sight. Used it for a week. Global ban hammer hit him. Poof.

Do Not Pick it up or use it...

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Unso would you be so nice to link the topic ? because you can turn off 3rd party shit after you hacked your gear?...

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This forum really needs a sticky to dispell this "No Icon" myth.

You can very easily tell if a weapon is supposed to be dropped in DayZ by looking at the game files. They aren't encrypted or anything, you just need to download a tool for opening the .pbo files.

This weapon is not supposed to drop in DayZ.

Edit: Oh, and Battleye will not ban anyone for picking up guns. Especially not for weapons included by default in ARMA 2. It would be kind of a problem for all the people who don't play DayZ.

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your friend must have used some extra shit while playing mod.


DayZ Staff

DayZ Dev Team Posts: 1,163

Joined: Apr 2012

RE: Why did I make a global ban! Pls Help

You do not get a server or global ban for picking up weapons, or having weapons, or anything to do with weapons.

You get a global ban from BattlEye, for hacking/cheating.

Unso would you be so nice to link the topic ? because you can turn off 3rd party shit after you hacked your gear?...

you cant turn off shit bro' date=' since you need to run application that inject hooks into memory while playing game to hack shit from main database. [im not sure how shit works, so this is my phantasy talking']

Now once you run application that "hacking" shit for you while playing Dayz mod Battle-eye detects memory injection and bye bye

you cant run hacks separately from the game.

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Yea but doessnt BattleEye see you as hacking when your having that gun? and doessnt Rocket do Global bans?

So your saying there absolutely NO RISK by using Hacker weapons?


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Yea but doessnt BattleEye see you as hacking when your having that gun? and doessnt Rocket do Global bans?

So your saying there absolutely NO RISK by using Hacker weapons?


im not an expert on cheats/exploits but battleeye only see differences in memory, dll injections and other buffer overflowing attacks that happen WHILE YOU PLAYING mod.

now weapons nothing but items from main database that you receive, rocket can and did many times just global wipe of any item that he wants. if that shit has icon and you dont need to do anything to keep it i dont see why it's not an item from database. perhaps it was in database at some point before the global wipe and not being spawned anymore - a fuking relic :D

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ROFL you WILL be Global Banned for carrying hacked items. How do I know? My friends killed hacker before the mass bans' date=' he picked up M4 Silenced Halo (grenade launcher) and red dot sight. Used it for a week. Global ban hammer hit him. Poof.

Do Not Pick it up or use it...


I hate to break it to you buddy, but if your friend received a global ban, he was hacking.

Nothing to do with the M4 he picked up.

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Everything beeing said.

So much stuff and risking around doens't make sense. Even more with 2x NVG.

I highly suspect the guy to be a "soft hacker", no mass killing just spawned instant kewl stuff for player hunting.

And yeah, the m17 ain't in loot sheet so I highly doubt it's legit, picture or not.

If you like the gun, the M4a1-SD would be an equivalent.

Try it but at your own risks, you've been advertised. :)

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That gun is not legit, it does not spawn in the barracks, it does not spawn at chopper crashes. The ammo doesn't spawn anywhere.

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I found this exact gun on a hacker a long time ago. Was laying down in the forest outside komorov waiting for a mate to arrive from Kamenka. I had an MA41 CCO at the time. All of a sudden i see a guy in a guillie suit stand up not 15 metres right in front of me. Scaring the crap out of me i popped a few clips into the back of him. He dropped before he could DC im sure, and he was a clan memeber of some kind (sorry i couldnt get photographs at the time, figured this guys was legit until i found what he had on him). I looted his body to find this gun, the best back pack, 17 clips for it, another quite rare gun with 5 mags, and pretty much every single piece of equipment in the game. Thinking at the time, "was this guy loot cycling for like 2 weeks to obtain all this?!?". My mate then met up with me and we checked out the rest of the crap together and split what we could. At the time ofcourse i had no idea if the gun was hacked or not. So i gave him my gun and ammo, and took the gun off the body plus what ever else i wanted only to get that inventory wiped clean bug after clicking something. Im like what? it must have either been hacked equipment if it just disappears or just an annoying bug. Other than that my mate and i ran off empty handed thinking "f#$&ing hacker".

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