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Code of the Hunter?

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Is it just me or does anyone think that the op's posts are a bit contradictory? I mean, you say that most of your group is ex military which would tell me that they should know that if they want to be a successful unit, the needs of the group far exceed the needs of the individual, ie- sharing loot to benefit all rather than some silly "claimed" rule drummed up on a television show...

This seems very counterintuitive to not only group behavior in general and the concept of teamwork, but everything i have learned as a combat veteran. Using a rule like "claimed" also indicates no real chain of command or leadership present among the group, which doesn't help in any way, especially given the fact that most of your group is ex-military and have been trained to behave in this manner rather than surviving through highschool antics...

I'm not trying to attack you op, but it this just seems counterintuitive to me, given the training your group has had. Your thoughts?

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All I can say if reference the 2nd half of point 3. Do we kill everyone with a weapon? No. 


Also, "no apparent reason" isn't correct. We have our reasons, and our reasons are the joy of the hunt.


Why do you play videogames? No apparent reason apparently.

Going to places where people are trying to gear up and killing them isn't hunting. Its like fishing in a home aquarium.

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Going to places where people are trying to gear up and killing them isn't hunting. Its like fishing in a home aquarium.

More like tending to a spider's web.


I at least stay at >500m to give them a chance.


Anything closer just wouldn't be fair. And to my defense, the most fun and exciting experiences are when I get 2-3 fully geared folks wander through as a group. I go after them just the same.


I got a 3some to come by the other day and I managed to 1shot 2 of them. The first one was easy of course, but the 2nd and 3rd were quite exhilarating. Especially because one had an m4 and the other had a mosin and LRS. If they had better coordination they should have gotten me.

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@PTK if the needs of the group out weigh the needs of the individual then we will adjust accordingly, we share food, ammo and weapons and have no problem doing supply runs for each other, but when we have all the essentials the little things become a matter of first come first serve. Damaged pants and we come across pristine? Claimed. etc. etc.


@Shaeg So we should head to the designated PVP town and only shoot people marked with the PVP strobe, yes? I'm beginning to feel that you are trying to pick apart our play style because it offends you on some personal or fundamental level. We go where the traffic is and we tend to refrain from killing those in the middle of acquiring mid level loot, see the points I made in reference to not killing fresh spawns as well as not hiding bodies. By leaving the corpses of full kitted players we have just created more high level loot in the middle of electro than a hero could give to a bambi, the onus is just on the fresh spawn to work up the guts to run the gauntlet and grab that loot. You may enjoy hunting bambi bandits, which is great. Anyone we come across hanging around the hills of Kamy we kill, there is no challenge in killing the new, but if you have made the run to an airstrip, and are confident enough to walk into a high pop server in a high traffic town, you NEED to assume that you are in a war zone. The only laws of Chenarus are written in blood and gunpowder.

Edited by CanadianBrooks

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I don't have a code, I just wander and adapt to each and every situation as I see fit. I am generally friendly and don't kill unless I'm threatened

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Sharing loot as a group is an interesting dynamic. When I run with my friends we have this unspoken understanding that just works:

  • You call out where you are and anything of interest that you find in case anybody wants it.
  • Anything you find is typically yours by default unless somebody really needs it and you don't.
  • If someone does really need something and you don't, you don't get childish about keeping it.

I have only run with a couple of people who got greedy, not calling stuff out and hoarding. One of them mysteriously ended up poisoned and shot.

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I personally find it economical to leave all my high value loot with some friends, I.E Med supplies, ammo cases, scopes etc and run into town with an empty mountain backpack, everyones empty canteens and maybe a pistol or m4 depending. That way my friends have access to my rare loot if they get ambushed or I die, and I have room to bring back food and drink for everyone. That way we have done two things, we've only removed 1/6 of our fighting force from the battle and the runner can also act as a low risk high reward scout in town.

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When you play with a group of seven people you can allow yourself to have that kind of no sense rules. When you play alone you will probably shoot anyone who may represent a threat, and I don't care if it is a full armored bandit with a M4 coming at me while shooting like crazy or a bambi with an axe shouting he is friendly. If I think they represent a threat, they are most likely dead.


However, that doesn't mean I'm a KOSer, since I've also helped a lot of players who were on shitty situations. But always trying to keep distance between me and them.


I've learned you can't trust anyone in this game when playing alone, at least, without taking unnecesary risks.

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