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Champloo (DayZ)

Why do we not start with guns again

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Just wondering why I have to continue to get killed by bandits because all I can find are axes. I guess the changed help reduce banditry, or something? Not sure. Maybe someone could elaborate on the design behind it.

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If you spawn with a gun, a bandit can camp the spawn, pop you before you can react, and simply use your gun's ammo to indefinitely continue slaughtering new players on the shoreline.

I have been finding m1911's ammo for it everywhere, it's really not hard to find them if you study towns prior to entering. (seriously, i blew threw 40 clips.)

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You must be pretty unlucky; I’m rolling in guns with every barn/house I end up at. Where are you looking for weapons?

To answer your initial question, it was the combination of reducing banditry and adding atmosphere and realism.

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Get a Prigodirik(sp) spawn, loot barn, head north west, loot castle, loot orange house, loot vishnoye, head north east, loot novy sobor, loot stary sobor, head north west, loot airfield.

You now have enough weapons and gear to fight anyone on the server, man up.

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I haven't found a single pistol or rifle and I've been through most of Elektro's yields and a lot of Cherno's before getting killed by bandits.

@BlessedHerectic: So the change reduces banditry by making new players just not pop each other even though they almost never spawn beside each other, and even though someone could literally do the exact thing you describe with any gun in general if they just periodically stopped for some ammo, and they could do it for even longer because new spawns have no defense so they couldn't even have a chance of being shot....?

What atmosphere does it even add? All I have done is literally run, check the loot piles quickly by eyesight, and keep running. I'm not scared of zombies in any way because of this.

And what's realistic about it....? I'd be more likely to have a gun or a knife than a box of painkillers on me at any specific time in my life. I don't know what's really realistic about it.

My general life for the past 2 hours has been this: Spawn, check location, if not near Elektro or Cherno respawn, check any possible yields nearby if spawn is good, never bother to sneak past zombies, continue to run to and through Cherno/Elektro looking for weapons, find nothing but an axe, attempt to defend self with only axe hoping the bandit is completely blind, die. Rinse, repeat. In at least one situation I would have been able to defend myself with a makarov and in all situations I would never bother going into a major area like Cherno or Elektro because I would just run through the country looting smaller towns.

I made this thread because after looking at it in my head I didn't see much logic behind it. It's not realistic, it's not smart, it's tedious, and just lowers the overall experience of the game.

Get a Prigodirik(sp) spawn' date=' loot barn, head north west, loot castle, loot orange house, loot vishnoye, head north east, loot novy sobor, loot stary sobor, head north west, loot airfield.

You now have enough weapons and gear to fight anyone on the server, man up.


Cool story bro, I went through all of Elektro to not find a single gun. How about you come at me with a hatchet and give me any gun and we'll see who mans up K?

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Elektro and Cherno are terrible places to be looking for weapons. Actually they are terrible places to even be near in general. This might be your problem.

But anyway, your overall game experience differs greatly from mine and a vast amount of players. I personally really like this feature. But of course this is because we have a different play style as well.

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So you expect me to believe that a high or medium yield shouldn't have at least one gun in it somewhere? Or even among 3 high yields? And what do you like about it, really? How does it enhance your playing experience? Why is that enhancement valuable to you? You enjoy being forced to have no options and just run like a beheaded chicken everywhere until you finally manage to not get killed enough to find a gun?

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Um, but; seriously beware the Squirrels. Their hive mind powers are awesome....


Actually; I have seen it happen both ways. SOme due to the recent server hoppers blitzing townships. But, I have seen few weapons ton's of ammo in one barn and after an hour maybe if I lived. Find another barn with four weapons a little ammo. *laughs*

So, you seem to be on a dry spell. Try putting the ocean to your back and RUN inland for about 10 minutes. Loose the Zeds, via hill sides, double door barns and such. After this, explore and find a couple small villages with barns. You should find something you can use, and the hatchet is awesome vs Zeds if you can get the hit in around neck level before they swing on you. *grins*

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So you expect me to believe that a high or medium yield shouldn't have at least one gun in it somewhere? Or even among 3 high yields? And what do you like about it' date=' really? How does it enhance your playing experience? Why is that enhancement valuable to you? You enjoy being forced to have no options and just run like a beheaded chicken everywhere until you finally manage to not get killed enough to find a gun?


I've never been killed without a gun. I don't stick around the coast.

Starting without a weapon gave me the helpless feeling from when I first started playing. I had to actually plan out which towns/deerstands I would hit on the map so I did not run into another survivor. And the times I have ran into one I patiently waited them out, hoping to god I don't get noticed. This is the type of thing I came to this mod for, hence why I said we have different play styles.

I've always been one to sneak around zombies and not fire a shot anyway, so this aspect has not been all that big of a change for me.

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So you expect me to believe that a high or medium yield shouldn't have at least one gun in it somewhere? Or even among 3 high yields? And what do you like about it' date=' really? How does it enhance your playing experience? Why is that enhancement valuable to you? You enjoy being forced to have no options and just run like a beheaded chicken everywhere until you finally manage to not get killed enough to find a gun?


I would expect people to realize that regardless of loot 'yield' if everyone runs through Cherno and elektro looking for guns, they will all be taken. Think about it, how many players run into Cherno, pick up a gun, run out and die somewhere, then respawn until they are back there again.

Players can loot a place dry. Spawn and run straight north, plenty of loot up there. And not nearly as densely populated so guns hang around longer.

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my experience has been the exact same as slash-7. i've never been killed by a bandit while i have been without a gun. i probably fell to zombies shortly after the update as i wasn't used to their new mechanics though, but they haven't gotten me weaponless in recent memory. i pretty much do the same thing every time. i spawn where ever the game puts me, i follow a road or train tracks sticking to cover. i'll circle around a town (cherno/elektro excluded) avoiding zombies while looking for enterable buildings, i loot whatever i can, often sticking to buildings on the out skirts of a town, and then i head inland immediately following some civil feature and look for barns.

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So why don't we spawn with a gun....? To summarize you've pretty much tried to tell me that I can find a gun within a couple minutes of spawning, even though all the lives I've lived for tonight have resulted in the complete lack of a gun. You've also told me that it increases tension. The only thing tense is pulling up my map to check for yields when zombies are chasing me, which I really could care less about. The more I respawn and die the less and less I care about living. I tried to pick up a flare and run through cherno because that was more entertaining than pointlessly looking for a gun, but I couldn't seem to pick up the flare unfortunately.

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So why don't we spawn with a gun....? To summarize you've pretty much tried to tell me that I can find a gun within a couple minutes of spawning' date=' even though all the lives I've lived for tonight have resulted in the complete lack of a gun. You've also told me that it increases tension. The only thing tense is pulling up my map to check for yields when zombies are chasing me, which I really could care less about. The more I respawn and die the less and less I care about living. I tried to pick up a flare and run through cherno because that was more entertaining than pointlessly looking for a gun, but I couldn't seem to pick up the flare unfortunately.


I've told you how I play this game and I gave you MY reasoning on why I enjoy it. We are worlds apart though, we do not play this game in the same fashion. Thus my tactics will not benifet you.

If you would like to see why we don't spawn with weapons read this thread in its entirety.


Also, I did not say that I could find a gun a couple minutes of spawning, sometimes it takes me upwards of 30 minutes.

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So why don't we spawn with a gun....? To summarize you've pretty much tried to tell me that I can find a gun within a couple minutes of spawning' date=' even though all the lives I've lived for tonight have resulted in the complete lack of a gun. You've also told me that it increases tension. The only thing tense is pulling up my map to check for yields when zombies are chasing me, which I really could care less about. The more I respawn and die the less and less I care about living. I tried to pick up a flare and run through cherno because that was more entertaining than pointlessly looking for a gun, but I couldn't seem to pick up the flare unfortunately.


Maybe you're doing something wrong. Try to get some advice, tips and hints how to stay alive instead of beeing unconvincable.

But its a Sandbox game, if you have more fun running with a flare around cherno, do it.

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I have checked over 30 combined high and medium yield spawns as well as numerous others, some multiple times and not stumbled upon one firearm or crossbow. I guess "I'm doing something wrong"

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Try to get up to the northern Villages a few Miles away from the Coast. No need to stay at the coast. You can walk easily to Stary Sobor before you'll have to drink. Take Barns and Deer Stands on your North Route and you'll have some starting Tools and Guns to expense your journey. ;)

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