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Timewarp (DayZ)

Glitchers - dayin and dayout

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I've never seen a hacker in SA. Once I've been shot at in NEAF, evaded the shots and then the shooter was nowhere to be found (searched for 30 mins), which was odd and might've been a failing teleporter, but who knows. In the mod was where it really got strenuous. Killed by hackers quite a few times. Normally just the entire server being teleported into the sky to fall to their death. Even more times friendly hackers who'd spawn ammoboxes though. Once I had an amazing experience with a speed hacker / teleporter / weapon hacker / skin hacker and he was probably a lot more. 


I had just found myself an quad and a few tents, I was completely stoked to set up my camp again after a long time killing bandits on the coast. I believe I'd just received the hero skin. After I set up camp in my usual spot some guy appeared next to me. I was shocked because I had a camp in that spot on 5-6 servers, never been found. One had even been around for months. I aimed my DMR at him and saw he had a hacked Joker skin. I fired but to no avail, since he had god mode. He responded by magically teleporting an axe into his hands and super speeding towards me. He had one hit before I could get to my ATV, which was my only chance of getting out of there. I sped off full speed in the hopes of finding a quiet spot to log out in peace. However, the hacker kept teleporting in front of me and speed hacking after me. I managed to evade him for 15 minutes before he teleported a DMR into his hands and shot at me no less than 15 times before landing a hit. Mind you, I was driving towards him in a straight line, 50 meters away. That was genuinely pathetic.

Edited by The End.

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So far, in around 200 hours of game play, I've encountered one PBO glitcher.

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@ OP the vast majority of people who are accused of "hacking" are not hacking. There is a big difference between abusing a game flaw (exploit) and hacking (Using code/scripts/macros/etc) to make the game behave in unintended ways.


In the case of exploits the fault lays squarely with the fact that this is an alpha and many many things have not been sorted or finalized yet. EG a error in  model that you can "glitch" thru  the wall from a certain position to shoot out from a normally un reachable location. this is an exploit.


Hackers have actually porven ver very rare compared to the mod, and for that im thankful. i hope that as bugs are adddressed there will be less and less abusable exploits.

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