mines_skyline 4 Posted June 26, 2012 ok so im editing this and adding slightly more detail than before.As of now, we have two options when we spawn. Male and Female. We also have many different skins in-game.My suggestion is to have more than two options at the spawn screen. For example, Mechanic, Doctor, and so on. They would each look different in game so you know who is who.The reason behind this is that if you find a vehicle, anyone can fix it right now. to be honest, that isnt possible in real life. if i was given a car, i would not be able to do a full engine rebuild. i may be able to change the wheel or add fuel (obviously), but not change the engine. Thats where the mechanic character comes in. a mechanic knows how to do something that an average person doesnt. so now instead of me shooting him, i will ask him for his assistance to help me fix the vehicle i found but can not use. Also, not everyone can just randomly fix a helicoptor and change the main rotor and so on. so the mechanic would take the role there as well. i know a normal mechanic only fixes cars, but for the games sake, and for simplicity, he can fix helis as well.Same thing goes for the doctor/nurse character. a regular person may be able to take painkillers and bandage themselves, but they should not be able to fix broken bones or do a blood transfusion. it takes slightly more skill than just taking painkillers. once again, before i wouldve just shot this doctor person, but now, if im low on blood or need bones fixed, i need to have a doctor help me do that. so i would want him to be in my "group" of survivors.im trying to think of other characters to incorporate but cant think of any right now. maybe thats where the rest of you come in.ps. im not talking about the bandit skin here, so please dont post about how the bandit skin is the best solution ever. im talking about helping each other out by having certain special skills.and here is what the original post was that i edited.Right now we have Male and Female character options at spawn.there are also many skins in game already. so if u make it like mechanic, nurse, so on at the spawn screen. it wud reduce pvp. so if u find a car, u need a mechanic to do engine change. any old schmuck can change tire and refuel. so on.. ill elaborate on this later. i cant think properly right now. but the basic idea is present. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted June 26, 2012 The "bandit skin" was removed, i assume, due to it being considered diserable as in an encouragement to kill for no other reason than getting an upgrade aka "better"/unique clothing rather than a deterant as in "oh look a baddy, avoid that scumbag".Loose Humanity Loose Your Sunny Outlook.How about using the humanity meter to "change" the offenders view just as their outlook on life is not as colourful as many of us so maybe their lack of humanity should reflect this by them simply loosing in game colour each time they kill for the fun of it. (and worse the more they kill.)Afterall they aren't seeing the whole bright & sunny :P long term survival picture such as 2 buddies being chased by zeds ='s has a 50% chance that its your buddy who will be munched on instead of you. :DA bullet shared is a bullet that could protect you and so on.B&W and Shaking all over.I propose this loss of colour (after all its all just black & white for "them" anyway :) be similar to the losing blood mech.Based on a scale of 1 to 10. With the "award" upping the anti at level 6 and onward.1 to 5 kills = loss of colour until B&W then 6-10 kills = shaking until its nigh on impossible to aim.Varying increasing increments starting from 1-5, with 5 kills gaining the award of a pure (lifeless, heartless) black & white view.From 6 - 10 starts the spiral into psychosis with "the guilt shakes".Psychos should shake with guilt.Once past the pure B&W stage murders (their not bandits) begin to add shake (going crazy, all them psychos should shake with guilt :)Colour & shakeing can be regained / removed by giving people blood transfusions. On a 1/1 ratio. 1st 2 kills won't be too serious (accidents) but the 3rd is a noticable loss of colour (maybe just keep/add a shade of red also?)To avoid abusing the system too badly give half as much colour return for the 2nd, 3rd & 4th transfusions if it is given to the same person in the same 12 hour period and continue halving again for the 5th and halve again for the 6th & so on. So you'd never practically get above regaining 4 "karma" points without a crazy amount of effort.This should encourage giving them to different survivors & hopefully discourage player killing for simply no reason other than because you can.Return of the Bandit. Stand & Deliver (afterall its BANDIT not psycho pointless killer.)I've often wondered why the word Bandit had been used as it is technically incorrect so the following suggestion may return validity to the term.Makeing it possible to "hold someone up" to steal their stuff rather than kill them would justify the term Bandit and be quite a cool addition to the already stealth heavy mechanics of the game AND I'd happily be "mugged" considering the alternative.The addition of being able sneak up on someone with the ultimate aim of disarming them aswell as preventing them from escaping so as to rifle through their belongings would not only be challenging (far more so than clicking a mouse it would also not alert the bloodthirsty natives.The mugger would have to be close enought to trigger the "stand & deliver" scenario. within so many in game feet not too dissimilar to getting wood from trees yet would have the same properties of a bear trap.I'd imagine a key or key combo would have to be held down for the duration. It would make sense if it were G & either a scroll wheel selection or preferablly another key for ease. If either key were let go the victim could escape and possibly be shot, as IRL, for their troubles. Run Forest Run? minus the weapon in hand which of course the initial "Stand & Deliver" mech would place in your backpack with the risk of replacing items but hey it was dropped in the scuffle.In addition bear traps could also be used for similar fun & games. Moist likely the person will concede and disconnect long before "Bear Grylls" would return so this action would automatically be considered a death but the person & more importantly the items will remain for the duration the trap setter remains on the server.What do you guys think>? Has all this been proposed before? Please let me know if it has or past it on if it hasn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaps 22 Posted June 26, 2012 *Banditry* is a needed element of the game, pvp is what cycles your stuff. Zombies aren't really a challenge if you are careful. or if you are a hatchet wielding loony in a barn.There should never be penalties for shooting someone. I like the idea of "real" bandits at work. But this can happen now, there is direct communication and a surrender animation. The reason this isn't done, i guess, i simply because they can pry the gun from your lifeless corpse with little risk, opposed to "mugging" you. where you could quite happily turn and shoot at any second.The reason I'm against there being penalties for shooting someone is simple. The mod can not distinguish act of murder vs. acts of self defence. I've had a 6day old character with 18 murders and 7 bandit kills. and only 1 time, did I actually shoot first. That was simply because it was 2 players, where 1 shot at me, the other tried to loot his friend and i wasnt taking the chance. Bandit or survivor, is a play style choice, you shouldn't be punished for either path you choose to walk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jemoeder 51 Posted June 26, 2012 You cant punish bandits for killing its in the game mechanic's But bandit skin was pretty good to bad its gone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duddbudda 33 Posted June 26, 2012 Turk, your copypasta is quickly getting boring, starts with two spelling mistakes and is not relevant to the thread, please stopOP's idea has been suggested many times, often in fuller detailthe counter is this: DayZ should not restrict players' behaviour artificiallya better implementation of skills involves a D&D-esque levelling system - players start out terrible at all things and through some mechanic (skill books, practice, whatever) improve themselves Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghandi 0 Posted June 26, 2012 Right now we have Male and Female character options at spawn.there are also many skins in game already. so if u make it like mechanic' date=' nurse, so on at the spawn screen. it wud reduce pvp. so if u find a car, u need a mechanic to do engine change. any old schmuck can change tire and refuel. so on.. ill elaborate on this later. i cant think properly right now. but the basic idea is present.[/quote']What? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunster 7 Posted June 26, 2012 I like the idea of certain people having "jobs" or roles if you like but it kinda kills the point of the lone wolf option Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 314 Posted June 26, 2012 Bandit skin or not, I kill the same! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghandi 0 Posted June 26, 2012 Right now we have Male and Female character options at spawn.there are also many skins in game already. so if u make it like mechanic' date=' nurse, so on at the spawn screen. it wud reduce pvp. so if u find a car, u need a mechanic to do engine change. any old schmuck can change tire and refuel. so on.. ill elaborate on this later. i cant think properly right now. but the basic idea is present.[/quote']I found your original post difficult to understand, I had my good friend Che Guevara attempt a translation, is this what you meant? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mines_skyline 4 Posted June 26, 2012 ok i have edited my original post to make it easier to understand. as i said in the original post, i wasnt thinking properly at the time, but i wrote down the basic idea so i wudnt forget. please have a re-read and let me know what you think. also, please keep the troll comments to yourself for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 26, 2012 I'm not opposed to the idea of "specialties" that have subtle, non-critical effects like slightly faster bandaging, faster animal gutting, or better driving/piloting abilities. So, good. Okay.But what does this have to do with PvP? More people working in teams just means larger groups of targets for bandits to shoot at. You're not going to get rid of PvP by clumping up like fish in a barrel for them.And why would you want to "decrease" PvP in a PvP game anyway? If you want a decrease, just go play a game that doesn't have PvP as a central, critical mechanic and thematic element. Ta-daa! Instant decrease free of charge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mines_skyline 4 Posted June 26, 2012 PvP combat, not PvP interaction.well the idea is that right now, everyone is a bandit. everyone shoots on sight. so if you make it necessary to use the other persons help in order to get something you want done, that means you are less likely to shoot them. i am aware that there are some assholes out there who just play this game to ruin the fun of others. those poor souls can not be helped/fixed by this suggestion. but everyone else, who only shoots on sight to not get shot themselves will probably stop shooting everyone if this was implemented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osiriszoran 33 Posted June 26, 2012 Making class options is Dtupid and unoriginal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shrapnel (DayZ) 13 Posted June 26, 2012 Oh look! Another idiot who doesnt use the search function, and makes the 500000th thread about this topic...Rockets working out how to balance the PvP/PvE Ratio.. Just be patient. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mines_skyline 4 Posted June 26, 2012 its a different solution than wat others have suggested, to a problem that shouldnt have existed in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaps 22 Posted June 26, 2012 I sorta see where you're coming from, i think i read a similar post in another suggestion. Roles in DayZ would help promote team play, thus decreasing the shoot on sight mentality, but you have to be careful not to hinder someone elses play style.No everyone wants the fluffy world that is co-op. These "assholes" may just enjoy playing the villain and hunting people. Alone. So we can't ruin their game. Perhaps like previously suggested the role just reduces the time needed, significantly to do a certain thing. Whilst increasing other actions time.For example, you Spawn as a Doctor with your buddies. Any medical type of action, performed by you, to others is instant. Blood, Morphine, Bandages. however this should not mean you can't install a car engine. Simply because, when friends log off. You find a car you are stuck not able to fix it. Alternatively if you're not skilled at that "role" it takes twice the amount of time to perform. i.e. engines would take 20-30 secs to complete for anyone but the engineer.I like the concept, and it has legs. It is however a large task put on the dev shoulders. Time spent vs. rewards i think honestly their time could be put to better uses to achieve what your origional goal is. Teamwork over shooting everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted June 26, 2012 The "bandit skin" was removed' date=' i assume, due to it being considered diserable as in an encouragement to kill for no other reason than getting an upgrade aka "better"/unique clothing rather than a deterant as in "oh look a baddy, avoid that scumbag".[b']Loose Humanity Loose Your Sunny Outlook.How about using the humanity meter to "change" the offenders view just as their outlook on life is not as colourful as many of us so maybe their lack of humanity should reflect this by them simply loosing in game colour each time they kill for the fun of it. (and worse the more they kill.)Afterall they aren't seeing the whole bright & sunny :P long term survival picture such as 2 buddies being chased by zeds ='s has a 50% chance that its your buddy who will be munched on instead of you. :DA bullet shared is a bullet that could protect you and so on.B&W and Shaking all over.I propose this loss of colour (after all its all just black & white for "them" anyway :) be similar to the losing blood mech.Based on a scale of 1 to 10. With the "award" upping the anti at level 6 and onward.1 to 5 kills = loss of colour until B&W then 6-10 kills = shaking until its nigh on impossible to aim.Varying increasing increments starting from 1-5, with 5 kills gaining the award of a pure (lifeless, heartless) black & white view.From 6 - 10 starts the spiral into psychosis with "the guilt shakes".Psychos should shake with guilt.Once past the pure B&W stage murders (their not bandits) begin to add shake (going crazy, all them psychos should shake with guilt :)Colour & shakeing can be regained / removed by giving people blood transfusions. On a 1/1 ratio. 1st 2 kills won't be too serious (accidents) but the 3rd is a noticable loss of colour (maybe just keep/add a shade of red also?)To avoid abusing the system too badly give half as much colour return for the 2nd, 3rd & 4th transfusions if it is given to the same person in the same 12 hour period and continue halving again for the 5th and halve again for the 6th & so on. So you'd never practically get above regaining 4 "karma" points without a crazy amount of effort.This should encourage giving them to different survivors & hopefully discourage player killing for simply no reason other than because you can.Return of the Bandit. Stand & Deliver (afterall its BANDIT not psycho pointless killer.)I've often wondered why the word Bandit had been used as it is technically incorrect so the following suggestion may return validity to the term.Makeing it possible to "hold someone up" to steal their stuff rather than kill them would justify the term Bandit and be quite a cool addition to the already stealth heavy mechanics of the game AND I'd happily be "mugged" considering the alternative.The addition of being able sneak up on someone with the ultimate aim of disarming them aswell as preventing them from escaping so as to rifle through their belongings would not only be challenging (far more so than clicking a mouse it would also not alert the bloodthirsty natives.The mugger would have to be close enought to trigger the "stand & deliver" scenario. within so many in game feet not too dissimilar to getting wood from trees yet would have the same properties of a bear trap.I'd imagine a key or key combo would have to be held down for the duration. It would make sense if it were G & either a scroll wheel selection or preferablly another key for ease. If either key were let go the victim could escape and possibly be shot, as IRL, for their troubles. Run Forest Run? minus the weapon in hand which of course the initial "Stand & Deliver" mech would place in your backpack with the risk of replacing items but hey it was dropped in the scuffle.In addition bear traps could also be used for similar fun & games. Moist likely the person will concede and disconnect long before "Bear Grylls" would return so this action would automatically be considered a death but the person & more importantly the items will remain for the duration the trap setter remains on the server.What do you guys think>? Has all this been proposed before? Please let me know if it has or past it on if it hasn't.Horrible horrible ideas.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites