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looking for EST players

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I am looking to get maybe 3 or 4 people together to just run around and do whatever. Be prepared to kill others for their possessions. Mainly looking eastern standard time (EST) but similar timezones are fine. Looking for people who are 16+ and we will not be playing tonight but we can start tomorrow.

Leave a post here or add me on steam: lunick707

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If you are going to blatantly state your desire to kill others for their possessions, you might want to post in the bandit campfire section because it is clear you are planning on some banditry. You might find more like minded folks over there.

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I'm down. I don't have Steam though. Looking to play today (June 26)! Can do Skype/TeamSpeak/Ventrilo. Shoot me a PM with some alternate contact info.

Currently near Vysota (near Cherno).

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looking for some people that are playing right now

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