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Two DayZ (Standalone) license on two steam account on same email address

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I bought one copy of DayZ Standalone on steam with account A (based on email address A).

Installed on my laptop (Computer A) and after two month i've bought another DayZ Standalone license from account B (created on same email address A for simplifying the process) and installed in a new windows account on Computer A.

When i logon in steam with acccount A on computer A (in a new windows account) and logon in steam with account B in computer B and i get this error when i try to play in one server:

"battleye no-cd-key server not supported"


Two steam users, two windows accounts, two license of DayZ Standalone, two Computers, the only same thing is the email address.

How can i get back working both games copy at the same time? (one at time it's already working correctly)


Many thanks.



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My question is, why do you need two DayZ games...?

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1. Why two games?

2. Try creating a new gmail account maybe?

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Well, I got this error earlier when I tried to join a DE Server, but it was only that ONE server. Have you tried joining others?

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