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How to have a Functional Clan

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Hey, I come here to say how my clan is organized in standalone dayz.

1-try to get always the same clothes (black),  backpack.


2-the head wear beret, but how has differentiated berets, tried to make the most of it.


Black beret-normal Soldier

Red Beret-Doctor

Blue Beret-Soldier support (that holds the bullets)


3-we have an organised exit off and the entrance of buildings.


I think this is essential for those who want to have a clan functional!

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Hey, I come here to say how my clan is organized in standalone dayz.
1-try to get always the same clothes (black),  backpack.
2-the head wear beret, but how has differentiated berets, tried to make the most of it.
Black beret-normal Soldier
Red Beret-Doctor
Blue Beret-Soldier support (that holds the bullets)
3-we have an organised exit off and the entrance of buildings.
I think this is essential for those who want to have a clan functional!


   I like your idea, but there are much simpler ways of staying organized while allowing your clan to wear what they want (Camo for snipers, mainly & Black/Grey for urban assault). 


   Basically, it all boils down to communication. We may seem very un-organized to someone who is just watching us, but we always know where everyone is, and exactly how we can get to them. When we are sniping, we always have eyes on more than half of the clan. Also, I prefer to wear a dark green motobike helm, as it protects me from bambis while keeping me camo ;)

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It's mainly opinion wise, but yeah, I think communication is the main thing. (e.g Skype, C3, TS, etc. etc.)

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