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Features that it think should be added in future updates.

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These are just some features that i think would be good in later updates.


The ability to turn M9 mags into M9SD mags and DMR mags into FN Fal mags and other mags etc.

Camouflage for vehicles makes them easier to hide.

The ability to transfer vehicles and tents to other servers probably not possible though.

More guns, vehicles, melee weapons, equipment, camos etc obviously.

30 slot backpack or mayby 35 backpack of course should be extremely rare.

More maps.

If you have a broken leg and no morphine the ability to combine wood and bandages to fix your leg or so you can atleast walk but at a slower speed.

The ability to modify cars add more protection like armour and things.

Secrets and easter eggs

I dont no if its possible but mayby add enterable police stations.

The ability to fortify buildings and make bases.


Post your thoughts and suggestions.

Ill add more ideas if they come to me.

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You shouldn't be able to turn M9 mags into M9SD, the SD mags have subsonic ammunition, so unlike the DMR and FAL which both use 7.62x51mm, they aren't the same.

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With this post you pretty much said: "Add more things and make the game better". See? I did what you did with fewer words. Try going into more detail next time.

"The ability to transfer vehicles and tents to other servers probably not possible though." - No. This would completely destroy servers. Clans would just bring 20 helis over to one server and just wreak havoc.

"If you have a broken leg and no morphine the ability to combine wood and bandages to fix your leg or so you can atleast walk but at a slower speed." - There is a thread about this.

"The ability to modify cars add more protection like armour and things." - This is not really pimp my ride, but small mods, why not?

"Secrets and easter eggs " - Agreed.

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