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Get rid of Barbed wire

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Just remove the ability to place them inside a building, you can be tactically approaching a fire station for example and then you get inside and realise some server-hopping cunt has blocked off all access with a couple of wire fences and tank traps.

At least if they could only be placed outside you could see from afar that X building is blocked off and you're going to need a toolbox.

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i was on Atlanta 20 last night in elecktro. the church had 7-8 layers of wire fences literally. both firestations were blocked. the hospital and the school was blocked. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO GET GEAR with this shit when i spawn with nothing. i cant even use the buildings to hide from zombies when i have no gun.

plz remove them.

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Aww i typed out a reply to Dreg and his tantrum.

The search is pretty shite btw unless you know how someone else has worded things. However, on this topic i guess finding 4 posts in 4 pages was a bit much. But all this pissy REPORTED! tantrums? grow up man.

Instead of going in a huff because your oh so important idea is slipping away, just drop it in your signature, inform the OP that hey there's a thread already here about this topic (provide link) or... STFU and stop bumping it, thus pushing your thread further away. Because you know that's the only reason anyone has to moan.

On topic. It's blatantly obvious that this is an issue even if all you see is thirteen separate posts about it. Its an issue. If you've been anywhere in the game, on any server - you've been blocked out by barbed wire at some point.

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I didn't throw a tantrum. Seems like you did though.

Reporting for moderation is not the same as throwing a tantrum. I reported it, the thread got merged, and that's the end of that. I didn't once say that the thread should be deleted or made an insult against the OP or anyone else, so I'm not sure what you constitute as a tantrum.

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For fuck's sake' date=' would you people please LEARN TO USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION?

This is the umpteenth thread I've seen bitching about Wire Fences so far. If you care so much about it, find the thread that has a developed discussion already going on and post there instead of making a new thread EVERY TIME.


Umm.. This? or something similar On every post about barbed wire :D

That my friend, is a dummy being spat out across the masses. Although with said tantrum i looked into your ideas and cuddos for those. Hopefully in the not so distant future your end game concepts and alternate phat lewt locations will come to fruition.

Back on topic, yet another shameless bump.

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THAT was a tantrum, yes, and that was due to outside reasons. Forgot I posted that, should probably go edit that post so I don't sound like a giant faggot. Oh well, too late anyway. Meh.

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Yesterday my team removed about 10 barbed wires from SE barracks entrance of NW airfield.

We will do it again and again and again, on all servers wherever we find those blocking way inside high value buildings like barracks, ACT, fire station, hospitals etc. Use those to build your base in wildness, not for loot collecting.

ps. do NOT remove it from a game

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I agree that making toolboxes needed for setting up the wire would help the issue alot. Also apos respect. Wish more people would do that and next time i get a tool box ill go wire hunting. Still dont understand the mentality behind it, alot of effort just to grief.

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It's annoying, but should stay in the game.

If you're pissed off because you can no longer loot the main cities upon spawning, go north. Much less barbed wire.

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How would you remove barbed wire with your bare hands in real life, I wonder? The military grade razor wire needs wire cutters, so the idea of being able to remove it without a toolbox is laughable.

I do think, however, that requiring a toolbox to set them up, as well as remove them, would help alleviate the "epidemic".

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Just take it out.. it's fucking retarded. It's being abused... why do you need to make a faggot wildnerness base to anal pummel your buddies with... rocket TAKE IT OUT PLZ

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