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To the NWO chaps,

My people have been scouring the lands of the damned for many weeks now, accruing nearly 300 new recruits. Recently, I have gotten reports from my GRU (intel) specialists about skirmishes with NWO troops. The Russian Government demands that you halt all hostilities against the Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF} or we shall be forced to take more drastic action. The Russian Federation's Infection Quarantine Center have suggested that since we are both friendly peoples, all hostilities should cease immediately.

I will have my intelligence agents monitoring the situation closely and have advised all squads to double their guard to ensure perimeter security.

Please do not force my hand in this matter.

Kind Regards,


Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding

Chernarus Quarantine Force

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In accords with other Survivor Groups, you're either friendly or you're a bandit. Reports of members of NWO shooting on sight as well as going bandit for a day or so then switching back seems counterproductive to the Survivor way of life.

Please respond at your convience,

LTC Still (Johnny)

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I've had several runins with NWO members shooting at me on sight in hopes of acquiring my beans. Don't seek negotiations and compromise, they must be exterminated

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NWO is not friendly by any means. Some of them hopped on my home server and sniped people from the top of the hotel.

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NWO are scum, and not friendly by a long shot. Used to play on a server owned by them. They claimed to only shoot after failure to respond, but it was much more likely that you were shot on site, at spawn.

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As just a regular member of the NwO, from my point of view we try to be friendly. Currently we're dealing with sorting out the idiots who are doing these kind of things to friendly survivors though, one of our officers will no doubt be in here to reply to you guys sometime soon.

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NWO must be destroyed. But be careful doing this for you will be banned from their servers if you kill too many of them. I killed a bunch stole their stuff and I was promptly banned for "Hacking".

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Just a question to the CQF guys, what are your ROE?

Note, not affiliated in any way/shape/form with NWO. I'm just curious in general about survivor ROE. For example, I do not actively hunt players but I have killed some that I perceived as a threat to me and mine. Banditry?

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CQF is very good with attempting contact with the people who are being questioned. CQF are good people.

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Just a question to the CQF guys' date=' what are your ROE?

Note, not affiliated in any way/shape/form with NWO. I'm just curious in general about survivor ROE. For example, I do not actively hunt players but I have killed some that I perceived as a threat to me and mine. Banditry?


The CQF ROE states that upon contact with an unknown they are to perform a call out to determine if he is friendly or not. If after 3 attempts there is no response he is labeled as non-compliant and if hostile intention is shown defensive measures are taken. If a friendly survivor approaches, CQF members will normally offer assistance, depending on the situation or resources available. Known bandits are to be KoS.

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NWO speaks a good game but i was shot in the back by one of them a couple of days ago

servers with lots of CQF I feel safer on, i've identified myself and been left alone several times.

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Just a question to the CQF guys' date=' what are your ROE?

Note, not affiliated in any way/shape/form with NWO. I'm just curious in general about survivor ROE. For example, I do not actively hunt players but I have killed some that I perceived as a threat to me and mine. Banditry?


The CQF ROE states that upon contact with an unknown they are to perform a call out to determine if he is friendly or not. If after 3 attempts there is no response he is labeled as non-compliant and if hostile intention is shown defensive measures are taken. If a friendly survivor approaches, CQF members will normally offer assistance, depending on the situation or resources available. Known bandits are to be KoS.

You have to understand that this is NwO protocol also. Currently NwO has gained far more members than previously thought, and many of them are extremely active. There is also the fact that because of the popularity of the group, having NwO tags is the next best thing to saying, "Hey, everyone in NwO, I'm a bandit in disguise and I'm going to try and steal your stuff." There is need of weeding out many members because they simply do not follow the rules of the group. As for the one individual who is saying that they band him for hacking, proof is usually needed to ban for hacking, even in NwO. Rocket will ban these servers if that happens, and NwO is actually reluctant to ban ACTUAL hackers because of this. It's nearly impossible to know who is doing what.

As of late, NwO has had the satisfaction of truly pissing off a large number of bandits. With this, there is small portion of the population coming onto these forums and telling everyone that we kill on sight. True, there are people that are wearing NwO tags that kill on sight, but they are killing NwO members as well. I'm simply a regular of the group, and most certainly one of the passive individuals from the group. I think it would be great if we could simply put something like this behind us and have actual official people of the group meet up, trade, and officially clear our name.

But that is my reasoning. Within the great vine, it is said we have already had problems with CQF in the past. And again, in the past week NwO servers have been kill scripted, bombed, and tank spawned all almost every day. We are getting tired of the bullshit that KOS creates. Many of our members are tired of the groups that go on this forum and state how bad of people we are, when we know we aren't.

Take that how you will. I'm no leader of the group. Simply been highly active for the past two weeks within the clan.

My words have been spoken within NwO. A official speaker should be commenting here, but I cannot guarantee that. I have voted for a form of trade to promote peace. I hope we choose peace.

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As far as interactions with my members, the only ones I have heard of are the ones where my guys usually end up wounded or dead from somebody with NwO tags that was supposed to be friendly. Not to mention, the 7 or 8 members I have that left you guys and came to us have declared there are days where people go bandit and change their tags to kill. I mean, I was personally shot at by some of you guys whilest I was leading a platoon to extract 3 survivors.

Its not about what you guys want to do, its about what you're doing. Like I said, CQF has about 300 members and 10-12 new ones a day, so I know how gowing unexpectedly works. Crack down and clean house before your reputation is cracked permanently.

If you need administrative advice, the CQF (AKA 1Cav everywhere else) has been around for 3.5 years and has a very stable organization, I'm sure some staff would be willing to help if requested.

Get your house in order :)


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Johnny, you are an inspiration.

Am I the only one that read the last line with Sean Connery's voice a la Hunt for Red October?

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Johnny' date=' your an inspiration.

Am I the only one that read the last line with Sean Connery's voice a la Hunt for Red October?


Haha I just looked like an idiot laughing during a meeting at work. I probably heard it from there or something seeing as connery is one of my favorites

Thanks buddy,


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"Get your house in order" sort of sounds like an aggressive thing to say, but with way NWO's public image has been taking hits lately, I think it's quite true. Tough for them if they really don't condone these shoot-on-sight incidents that keep popping up, but fake tags look the same as true ones to other survivor groups.

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Thing is, when someone joins a pro-survivor unit such as CQF and NwO(as they publicize themselves) they should do it because they truly wish do abide by that "playstyle" and not just for the convenience of being in a large group and having access to their resources. Both groups posts explicitly state their objective in DayZ. Having members that act unaccording to those objectives is detrimental for the units reputation and performance.

CQF is a self-policing unit, there is always an NCO or Officer accompanying the conscripts(recruits and lower ranking members) in operations or just offering advice. Most of the trouble-makers we've gotten have either been set straight or banned because CQF's officers are hand-picked from those who show moral and ethical adherence to it's values (besides other things a leader must have). I am in no way questioning the NwO's leadership but such problems within CQF are usually dealt with swiftly, so maybe there is something we could share that would benefit both groups.

Peaceful coexistence or even cooperation would be great. With banditry, hacking and exploiting rampant trough DayZ, pro-survivor groups can't afford to fight amongst themselves.

But this is all just my humble opinion.

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I think the problem is not just that people are joining NWO and acting contrary to the organization's goals. NWO are saying that it's also people tagging as them without even joining the group, from what I can gather.

You have an Officer accompanying conscripts in the field, but you don't have Officers accompanying every random Cherno sniper or Airfield raider that switches his tags to yours in order to lull other survivors into a sense of security.

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I think the problem is not just that people are joining NWO and acting contrary to the organization's goals. NWO are saying that it's also people tagging as them without even joining the group' date=' from what I can gather.

You have an Officer accompanying conscripts in the field, but you don't have Officers accompanying every random Cherno sniper or Airfield raider that switches his tags to yours in order to lull other survivors into a sense of security.


I completely agree with you, but there is little that can be done to counter that. Any group acting within DayZ can sadly fall victim to impostors.

CQF plays almost exclusively in it's home servers, which helps us to identify impostors as our members are required to be on teamspeak when playing.

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I completely agree with you' date=' but there is little that can be done to counter that. Any group acting within DayZ can sadly fall victim to impostors.

CQF plays almost exclusively in it's home servers, which helps us to identify impostors as our members are required to be on teamspeak when playing.


Indeed, and it sucks for NWO if they really don't condone this sort of behavior. I guess at the end of the day, it's a zombie apocalypse, so we need to treat every player we don't know with caution until they've put us in contact with someone we do.

If CQF troops are getting gunned down by NWO tagged players, I guess the best course of action is not to run at NWO tagged players and expect them not to shoot. If you're getting gunned down in surprise attacks, it doesn't really matter what tags the shooters were wearing; you're dead either way.

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Being part of a group that is NwO's Kill on sight group (KoS, you can ask anyone in NwO, they are ordered to kill us on sight under any circumstance.) We have raided their camps so many times, killed them a hundred times and we have not been banned yet.

NwO are to be fair, really cool people with the exception of a few that are kind of dumb, but a few of them are tolerable and they are friendly to strangers that they stumble on. The only time they will shoot you is if you pose as a threat, aiming at them and not answering if they ask if you're friendly, etc.

Please don't come and say that they ban you for taking their stuff, they rarely ban people.

//KoS | Tobee

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Our ban list is very short, also just like CQF we generally keep to our own server and people are required to be in TS if they're playing. Also I do agree that we need to "get our house in order", right now stuff is sloppy in a sense but soon we'll be getting a new website and users will have to re-register and this will allow us to weed out inactives. Also with our new website we will have squad XML's and with this we will know who is actually in the clan and who is not, and so will you.

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By no means am I speaking for NwO, but attempting an unbias counter argument

NwO's servers are generally under siege 24/7, if it's not someone raiding their camp, it's someone using killscripts, hacks, etc. When constantly being attacked, doing ops, etc, people are on edge, and sadly some people end up at the wrong place at the wrong time and a split second decision has to be made.

Yes, sometimes unfortunately they may kill on sight? Why

A) They see x person conspiring with person on said kill on sight list

B) They call friendly, and no response

C) They wander a tad bit close to somewhere they don't want to be.

Their RoE is pretty strict, and generally it is followed.

They don't just kill everyone they see, almost all people who hop in our teamspeak are given a chance to play with them (NwO or no affiliiation), and are considered friendly.

By no means I am calling offense, but can you vouch that all 300+ of your members are perfect shining knights?

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By no means I am calling offense' date=' but can you vouch that all 300+ of your members are perfect shining knights?


Does it really matter to others if they aren't? Either way, tags alone don't mean you can trust someone you encounter in the field. Whether the person you see is a friendly NWO soldier, an unscrupulous recruit with an itchy trigger-finger, or a bandit wearing one of their uniforms, you should always approach another Day Z player you don't know with caution. "I'm NWO" shouldn't be your cue to walk your entire group out with their guns down, nor should "I'm QCF" or "I'm Friendly".

Just my two pence on the matter.

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By no means I am calling offense' date=' but can you vouch that all 300+ of your members are perfect shining knights?


Does it really matter to others if they aren't? Either way, tags alone don't mean you can trust someone you encounter in the field. Whether the person you see is a friendly NWO soldier, an unscrupulous recruit with an itchy trigger-finger, or a bandit wearing one of their uniforms, you should always approach another Day Z player you don't know with caution.

Just my two pence on the matter.

My point in that sentence is that no one is perfect, yes NwO members have probably killed people on sight before, but to claim CQF hasn't done anything bad seems to be a person who needs to take a step back and really look at their clan, any medium sized to large clan leader who claims that should.

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