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DayZ SA 3-5 min lags before connect

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Hi Guys!



I've got this problem since I buy DayZ SA. Sometimes I die because of this. The problem is that I have 3-5 min lags freeze display before I click on connect. Than I log and everything runs properly.


Any tips and solutions are welcome have a nice day :)

Edited by jetfyre

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If you want somebody to be able to answer your questions, you have to describe your problem. From what I read I can't give you any tips or solutions. More information about your problem and your PC configuration is needed ^^

Edited by MetapoliC

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Ok so when I run DayZ and click on change server my display freeze for 3-5 min than it shows me servers. I choose one and it instantly log me in. If I want to rejoin a server I disconnect and try to connect to other it again freeze my display for 3-5 min than I spawn and everything run nice.

Edited by jetfyre

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I am having similar issues, I click on play or change server and it freezes and i have to wait for 3-6 minutes before the server browser comes up or i connect to the host. And if i disconnect i have to restart DayZ or it freezes up my system and i have to restart my computer. I dont think it has to do with my PC specs because i can play the game fine, it just freezes D:

Edited by Wookie In The Mist

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