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Euro-Meat's Epoch Server | 200+ Veh | Custom Loadout | Custom Debugg | AutoRefuel | Player Bases | TraderShield | AI Missions | ActiveAdmins | AntiHac

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Hello everyone, we have just started an DayZ Mod Epoch server, it's brand new and we are currently looking for players. It's a good server with currently 5 admins that are very helpful and good, almost all of the time there is an admin online, we haven't experienced any hackers so far (server started approximately 1 week + a few days ago). Some more facts about the server:






50 slots.


Live events.

Good and very active admins.

Currently 24/7 Daylight.

No killing without a reason.


Custom buildings such as 4 barracks and a fire station at balota and military camps in cherno.

Lots of vehicles.

God-Mode at traders.

Good Ping (Server located in holland).

3h Restart time.

Help when you start on the server usually done by me or the admins (we love to help new players get started).

more to come...






If you have any questions feel free to ask them below. Hope you will join the server and if so, good luck.

Edited by iSmellCookies

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otherwise very good and stable server, however there is one annoying bug: when i join the server, my character spawns in the north west corner of the map, usually its grid 010029. I have all my gear and everything, but it's just nerve wrecking to run back where I logged out. Why is this happening and can you do something about it? My nick is [MERC] Raivo_Taka.


Best Regards,


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