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Seattle 118: Treasure Hunt 06.28.12

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Hey everyone!

To help promote the server, this Thursday I will be conducting a treasure hunting contest!

Server: Seattle 118

When: 06.28.12; Between 6:30-7:30 PM PST (my apologies to those on Seattle 118 today to whom I told it will be tomorrow night)

How it works: During the 60 minute time frame (it shouldn't be hard find it...) I will be the general vicinity of Stary Sobor watching the town. In the town, somewhere, will be an item (announced in-game when the event starts). The first person to find that item will then be directed to the event prize.

Event Loot [ (amount) Item ]:

(1) DMR

(4) DMR Magazines

(1) G17

(3) G17 Magazines

(2) Bandages

(2) Sodas

(2) Cans of Food

It's not much, but it should be fun nonetheless.


1. PvP, group up, do whatever you want to win. HOWEVER, do note that I will try to intervene on any camping snipers. I'm not talking about if you are surveying the area with your scope or if you use your sniper rifle on someone, I am specifically referring to not participating in the event and just sniping from the town parameter.

2. If I die before the event ends, the loot will be distributed in the same time frame in an unspecified way (don't worry, it won't be on me).

Come one, come all!

P.S. My buddy is holding the loot AND he is out of town until Thursday, so don't worry about that loot not being there come the event. Also, leading up to the event, I will try to see if I can grow the pot...

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