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2 zoms becomes a conveyor belt of zoms

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Barn in the middle of nowhere - Easy in and out.

Zom in door way and hopper outside, -Hmm there might be food some ammo and guns in there, one of our main goals is to get weapons for survival..

So there is just nothing apart from trees and a road, I checked the area and it was empty of zoms- Shot door zombie, and 3 come running from nowhere and hopper, shoot them next there's about 10, I get the DT's and 1st person mode starts to shake like mad -this happens now and again.

Switch to 3rd person and start to run, quick peek behind and there'all chasing me up a hill, Zig-Zig mode engaged- get to top then wait for them and run down passing them, then its starts raining falling zombies, But they just keep damn spawning, as quick as I kill some more just take their place, then one spawn next to me, swipe and I'm down..

If the idea is not too shot the guns as this activates insane spawning mode, then what is the point- ?

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Yee this happened to me too the other day resulted in my death its only happened once but friends say its happening a lot now

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