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Mk48 mod 0 VS 4 idiots in a jeep.

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So here I am hunting some nublits with my 7 boxes of 240 ammo and NVGs and guess what? Some 4 idiots decide driving with headlights on at night bear stary (should be using nvgs to drive) is a smart idea.

I lay down in grass ahead of them as they come towards stary over a hill. I open fire instantly destroying the tires. I shoot into the vehicle killing one i think (maybe he logged not sure). The other 3 get out and I gun one down. 1 other runs to my left, another hides behind the car. I move so that they shoot at where they THINK i am (where my flash was), then I gun down the other 2.

Priceless. I hide all bodies full of M4ccos and other nice things then blow up the car. I dont loot anything, cuz im too awesome and they dont need their loot XD


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if you get a car and start roaming the country side you will find the Mk 48 Mod 0 with ease.. its just a matter of time and patience.

they are located on heli crash sites

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so here i am hunting something something with my ax and guess what? some idiot decide that loiter around making idiotic sounds like "kwook quook qooo" is a smart idea.

i lay down in the grass ahead of him as he come toward my ax. i met him with a powerful swing, instantly destroying him.

alright, he was just a chicken, but hey, who cares?!

Priceless. I hide his body full of, well, chicken, then blow up some toilet with a grenade (that chicken don't have a car :\ ). I dont loot anything, cuz im too awesome and honestly, did anyone ever seen a chicken with, say, M4cco?

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You can find the mk48 at crashed heli sites, i have found 3 mk48's dont like em :p

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