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Guess this would be a removal thread, but it being the end of the world I would imagine your batteries are going to disappear real fast. My suggestion would be to remove items that rely on them. GPS, Flashlights, NVGs, and certain rifle optics, Aim points, Acogs ect. Opinions?

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Good idea, but instead of removing them you should be able to recharge batteries... but first you would need to find a working generator... and fuel...

This way if you want hi-tech stuff you would need to really take care of it, it's not a matter of simply 'finding' things anymore but maintenance as well.

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Batteries aren't going to disappear that fast. This isn't a major catastrophe where you suddenly have millions of people trying to subsist on the remaining resources in a small area. It's a contageous outbreak where you now have a few people trying to subsist on the remaining resources over a large area.

Also just a small note about real-tech: A modern set of NVG's will run for 50 hours on a single AA battery. A four pack of AA's will keep you in greenvision for a month. :P Also EOTechs have a run time of something on the order of 500 hours on a single CR123A lithium, Aimpoints have a truly absurd 50,000 hour runtime on a single AA (that's 5 years run time), ACOG's are either fiber optic or tritium powered which is a 10 year half life, and the surefire flashlight I personally carry has a 40 hour runtime on a pair of CR123A's. Like with barrel life in another thread, it seems folks really underestimate just how long some of these things last.

GPS is the only system I see biting the dust fast, and not so much from the handheld receivers running out of juice but a lack of ground side support keeping the satellite constellations in order. You'll start getting orbital or chronometer drift, loss of groundside links due to natural phenomenon, etc. and with nobody to actively correct those issues you'll see either the coordinates slowly become less and less accurate or a lack of GPS service all together.

Little known fact, due to relativity (the satellites are moving some 20,000 MPH faster than we are ground side) the clocks on the GPS sats lose a couple seconds each day compared to the clocks ground side. If this isn't corrected for you'll see your coordinates on a GPS receiver slowly drift in one direction or another.

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Batteries aren't going to disappear that fast. This isn't a major catastrophe where you suddenly have millions of people trying to subsist on the remaining resources in a small area. It's a contageous outbreak where you now have a few people trying to subsist on the remaining resources over a large area.

Also just a small note about real-tech: A modern set of NVG's will run for 50 hours on a single AA battery. A four pack of AA's will keep you in greenvision for a month. :P Also EOTechs have a run time of something on the order of 500 hours on a single CR123A lithium' date=' Aimpoints have a truly absurd 50,000 hour runtime on a single AA (that's 5 years run time), ACOG's are either fiber optic or tritium powered which is a 10 year half life, and the surefire flashlight I personally carry has a 40 hour runtime on a pair of CR123A's. Like with barrel life in another thread, it seems folks really underestimate just how long some of these things last.

GPS is the only system I see biting the dust fast, and not so much from the handheld receivers running out of juice but a lack of ground side support keeping the satellite constellations in order. You'll start getting orbital or chronometer drift, loss of groundside links due to natural phenomenon, etc. and with nobody to actively correct those issues you'll see either the coordinates slowly become less and less accurate or a lack of GPS service all together.

Little known fact, due to relativity (the satellites are moving some 20,000 MPH faster than we are ground side) the clocks on the GPS sats lose a couple seconds each day compared to the clocks ground side. If this isn't corrected for you'll see your coordinates on a GPS receiver slowly drift in one direction or another.


40 hours!?!? What model Surefire do you have? My G2 running a pair of 123a's is only good for an hour, roughly.

Oh, not to nitpick or anything (I'm fascinated about physics in general) but the time sync is millionths of a second per day. That's still a lot but those sats would have to be moving much, much faster to see a loss of seconds per day.

On the topic at hand I think the easy solution is to just make the player find batteries every so often. Regardless of how long batteries last in the real world there is nothing saying that that flashlight or NVG you just found had brand new ones in it.

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Surefire G2X Pro: 2 hours @ 200 lumens, 40 hours @ 15 lumens.

Also fair enough about the time loss. It's been about 5 years since I was being paid by uncle sam to play with satellites so I've likely forgotten a bunch of stuff. ;)

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Batteries aren't going to disappear that fast. This isn't a major catastrophe where you suddenly have millions of people trying to subsist on the remaining resources in a small area. It's a contageous outbreak where you now have a few people trying to subsist on the remaining resources over a large area.

I guess it all depends on how "soon" after the outbreak the game is set in. The game feels off the way it is now, I wish we had a bigger verity of "civilian" weapons available. Multiply types of shotguns and hunting rifles, surplus rifles like mosins, garands and sks, so far as even AR15s or mini14s. Think the military weapons should be cut way down and the ones with neat toys(ACGOS, AIM points ect) even more so.

PS. 50,000 hours, holy crap thats a long time.

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I love the idea of all electricals (NVGs flashlights, holo-sights) requiring batteries (that can be looted and are one-time use like food/water but used to recharge electrical items).

I also like the idea of the recharging thing as well.

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