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Working, rideable train!

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The idea is simple : We already have train tracks.... why not add a train?

The train would constantly go around the map in a circle, every town it hits it will stop for 10 minutes(or less). During this time, if you are lucky enough to be near the train when it stops, you can ride it until the next stop or until you see fit.

It would make travel easier, but it's only IF you happen to be near the train when it stops.

To prevent people from waiting for the train at specific times, give the train 2-3 schedules that slightly shift so it won't ALWAYS be at a certain town at 10pm.

I realize this could be a lot to code in.....but I think it would be cool to see a train actually go around the map....and I don't see how anyone could abuse it. I see a lot of potential to have fun with this, perhaps a group's car breaks down and a train just so happens to come by? Or maybe an entire group could just camp out in the train killing any survivors that come in?

It would be AWESOME to see a train mow down zombies!

EDIT: I realize this doesn't really make sense....who would be driving the train? But I guess for the backstory : They developed a train(The "Auto-Train") that runs on a schedule and keeps going without anyone using it. If you wanted you could even make it so the train actually runs out of gas (but only in towns) and players must re-fuel it to keep it going (But I think that would defeat the purpose of making it always accessible to players who don't have vehicles, I would sacrifice the realism for that personally )

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